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P. 36

Kinsey’s mode of argument was then quite simple, and the logic of it went something like this: we
               assume that X is abnormal; but we have found out that X occurs all the time; what occurs all the
               time cannot be abnormal, therefore it must really be normal; what is normal is also natural, and
               what is natural cannot be wrong.
               [Source: Ibid]

               In the previous post it was observed that this is the same logic being employed by the U.N. in its
               Born Free and Equal campaign. It is asserted that anything that is widespread in its occurrence
               must be natural, and if it is natural it must be normal. The message that people should embrace
               the evil tendencies in themselves as normal and acceptable, is being sold to America’s youth
               through animated movies such as Wreck-It Ralph.

               Mankind, recognizing that they have evil tendencies within them, are being told to abandon the
               effort to suppress these impulses. They are being told that they need to be true to themselves by
               embracing the dark desires within them. This is leading to an explosion of moral deviancy as
               society no longer seeks to curb the harmful impulses of the flesh. The U.N., President Obama,
               and other homosexual advocates are seeking to portray homosexuals as healthy, wholesome
               individuals. They hide from view the truth about this sordid lifestyle, and those who practice it.

               In talking about the recent movie on the life of Alfred Kinsey, whose character is played by Liam
               Neesen, Dr. Wiker asks the following about how accurately this man will be portrayed.
               (Warning! Graphic material.)

               Will they show Kinsey talking his wife into having sex with his homosexual bedmates? And then
               there’s the little matter of the pornographic films. Kinsey’s Institute spent much of its time
               filming its staff of "scientists," including Kinsey, having homosexual sex with each other,
               masturbating, and engaging in sado-masochistic acts. Kinsey’s wife Clara was pushed–for the
               sake of science, of course–into "acting" in these sexually sordid films. Will they show his wife
               having to engage in every manner of sexual perversion, both alone and with others, in front of
               Kinsey’s camera? I doubt they will.
               [Source: Ibid]

               People of God, men like Alfred Kinsey are the “professionals,” the “doctors,” and “learned men”
               who are selling a homosexual agenda to the world. They hide behind the title of “Doctor” as they
               hide the truth that they are debauched men who routinely engage in depraved sexual behavior.
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