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Chapter 4

               Gay, Proud, & Christian?

               The apostle Paul wrote:

               II Timothy 3:13
               But evil men and seducers will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.

               There are seducers among the churches today. Their apostate teachings are growing worse and
               worse. A generation ago there were men and women in the church who were advocating that
               divorce and remarriage be normalized, that divorce no longer be declared to be a transgression of
               the will of Yahweh. Forty years later the Lutheran, Presbyterian, and Episcopalian churches in
               America have embraced homosexuality as a normal lifestyle. They have even adopted policies
               that permit non-celibate homosexuals to be ordained as ministers. When sin is not resisted, it

               A year ago I wrote about an event that occurred in America’s Midwest that contained a striking
               message from Yahweh. Following is an excerpt from that post:

               An event took place in the upper Midwest of the U.S.A. that I believe relates to the message the
               Father is bringing forth. What appeared to be a relatively benign storm suddenly became severe,
               but it is the specific damage that it caused that arrests the attention.

               The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America was holding a convention at the Minneapolis
               Convention Center. The Central Lutheran Church is located nearby and was serving as a
               preparation area to provide meals to convention attendees. Suddenly the sky turned dark and a
               fierce wind arose and scattered the tables and chairs outside the church.
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