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Minneapolis, Minn., Aug 18, 2009 / 11:38 pm (CNA).-
               The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is considering a proposal that would
               allow members in homosexual relationships to serve as clergy. It has denied a motion to require
               a higher proportion of votes for the proposal to pass.

               It is suspected that a tornado was spawned from the thunderstorm moving through Minneapolis.
               It struck the church at approximately 2:00 P.M., the very time the convention was scheduled to
               begin consideration of the proposed Social Statement on Human Sexuality. This statement
               included comments advocating the acceptance of homosexuality as a normal lifestyle.

               Not only did the storm overturn the tables outside Central Lutheran Church, it also damaged the
               church’s steeple, leaving the cross atop it dangling upside down. The inverted cross is a symbol
               used by the Satanic Church.

               The convention passed the Social Statement on Human Sexuality, but before it was passed
               various amendments were recommended.

               including one that sought to replace a section of the social statement about "lifelong
               monogamous same-gender relationships” with one that asserts the "practice of homosexual
               erotic behavior as contrary to God's intent."

               In a 667-303 vote, the assembly opted against the aforementioned change, following the
               recommendation of an ad hoc committee that advised against the amendment’s adoption since
               the position articulated implies "a consensus that no longer exists."
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