Page 76 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 76

As we look at the Israelites, we can discern how they fell under the judgment
                   spoken of in these verses from the apostle Paul. The Israelites did not embrace a
                   love of the truth. This was evident in their despising the manna that Yahweh sent
                   them. This manna, as we have seen, is a symbol of Christ, Who is Truth. Because
                   they did not love the truth God allowed them to believe that which was a lie. When
                   Yahweh was testifying that they were well able to take possession of the land, the
                   enemy,  and  their  sinful  flesh,  were  presenting  another  message.  This  false
                   message  said  that  they  would  be  killed  by  their  enemies,  and  their  wives  and
                   children would be preyed upon. Because they did not love truth, they were given
                   over  to  a  lie.  That  these  same  people  took  pleasure  in  wickedness  was  evident
                   when they made the golden calf in the wilderness and began to commit indecent
                   acts as they reveled in its presence.
                         If  we  take  pleasure  in  wickedness,  we  will  not  be  anxious  to  embrace  the
                   inheritance  that  Yahweh  has  set  before  us.  Many  men  and  women  prefer  the
                   pleasures of sin rather than a promise of a life of righteousness and peace. It is
                   true that all men and women are plagued by these unrighteous desires to some
                   degree,  but  not  all  people  give  themselves  over  to  them.  Some  are  ashamed  at
                   these unworthy thoughts, and they struggle to cast them down.
                         The  Israelites,  other  than  Joshua  and  Caleb,  did  not  cast  down  these
                   unrighteous  thoughts.  They  embraced  lies  and  then  spoke  them  forth.  There  is
                   tremendous  power  in  our  speech,  much  more  so  than  most  men  and  women
                   realize. Our entire course in life is set by the words that proceed forth from our
                   mouths. This is why when we come to Christ we not only must believe the truth
                   concerning salvation in His blood, but we must confess it. Things become a part of
                   us as they are spoken.

                          Romans 10:8-11
                          But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your
                          heart"--  that  is,  the  word  of  faith  which  we  are  preaching,  that  if  you
                          confess with your mouth Yahshua as Lord, and believe in your heart that
                          God raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man
                          believes,  resulting  in  righteousness,  and  with  the  mouth  he  confesses,
                          resulting in salvation.

                         Thoughts become concrete and substantial as they are voiced. This is  why
                   Yahweh judged Israel for speaking words of fear and unbelief. To them the lie had
                   become more concrete than His promises to them. They placed more weight on
                   the false report of their senses, and the fear in their heart than upon that which
                   Yahweh swore to them.
                         Those  who  would  walk  in  victory  over  their  addictions  must  guard  their
                   confession. It is absolutely necessary to keep words of unbelief in check and to not
                   speak them forth. The Bible declares the following about the power of the spoken

                          Proverbs 18:21
                          Death and life are in the power of the tongue...
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