Page 80 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 80

was  formerly  Kiriath-arba;  for  Arba  was  the  greatest  man  among  the
                          Anakim. Then the land had rest from war.

                         Caleb was surely tested by fear as other men, but he refused to allow fear to
                   rule in his mind. He cast down the fear in his mind, and he embraced faith in God.
                   When  this  one  area  of  land  had  been  unconquered  due  to  the  great  fortresses
                   there  and  the  tremendous  size  of  the  giants,  Caleb  was  not  daunted.  It  is
                   interesting to note that this same city of Hebron was later to be the place where
                   David, the man after God’s heart, would be made king. David manifested the same
                   heart as Caleb. David slew the giant Goliath, and he did so by the power of his

                          I Samuel 17:45-47
                          Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, a spear,
                          and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of Yahweh of hosts, the God of
                          the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted. This day Yahweh will deliver
                          you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head
                          from you. And I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this
                          day to the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth
                          may know that there is a God in Israel, and that all this assembly may know
                          that  Yahweh  does  not  deliver  by  sword  or  by  spear;  for  the  battle  is
                          Yahweh’s and He will give you into our hands."

                         As you see the giants that reside in your flesh, let this also be the manner of
                   your  confession.  Boldly  proclaim  that  this  enemy  that  stands  before  you  in
                   defiance of God will be laid at your feet. Declare that you will remove its head,
                   which is a symbol of cutting off its authority over your life. Oh that Yahweh might
                   have many such men and women of faith in this hour who will arise to destroy the
                   works of Satan and bring in the Kingdom of God!
                         As you  destroy the enemies in the land you encourage the hearts of those
                   who doubt. If you are valiant as was Caleb, Yahshua may even allow you to choose
                   to fight an enemy that others have been unwilling to fight. In doing so you will
                   encourage  the  hearts  of  those  who  have  been  tormented  by  this  enemy.  Your
                   victory  will  enable  them  to  stand  and  defeat  that  which  has  stood  in  defiance
                   before them.
                         I have some family members who  have been taken captive  by the giant of
                   fear. The Lord spoke to me a few years back and told me that if I would face this
                   giant and overcome it, that my victory would serve to loose those I love from this
                   evil  tyrant.  Let  us  therefore  be  valiant.  Let  us  feed  upon  the  Word  of  God  and
                   become strong. Let us cast down every thought that exalts itself against the true
                   knowledge of God.
                         Our words have power in them. By them the enemy is defeated, By our words
                   we win the victory.
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