Page 75 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 75

Chapter 11 - Overcoming by Our Words

                     n the previous chapter we read of Israel’s great failure to trust Yahweh when He
                   Iinstructed them to go forth to  take  possession of the land of Canaan. What I
                   want to emphasize in this chapter is a matter of great importance that the Lord
                   has impressed upon me over the years. What the Spirit has declared to me could
                   be summarized in this way:

                          It is unavoidable that doubts and unbelief will attack our minds. We will
                          all be faced with trials and beset by fear. There are times when thoughts of
                          unbelief,  fear  and  even  rebellion  will  be  present  in  our  hearts,  but  the
                          transgression only arises as we give voice to these thoughts.

                         Yahweh would not have prohibited the Israelites from entering the land of
                   Canaan simply because they were troubled in their hearts by fear and unbelief. It
                   was when they allowed these thoughts to manifest in the form of speech that was
                   offensive to God that the transgression came in, and they incurred judgment.
                         Let  me  explain  this  matter  more  fully.  The  mind  is  one  of  the  main
                   battlegrounds where our warfare is waged against sin. It is therefore unavoidable
                   that there will at times be many unworthy thoughts present in our mind. Satan
                   also has access to our minds, and he can suggest things to us that either stir up sin
                   in our members, or that are contrary to what God would have us to do and think.
                   It is not sin for us to have these thoughts present in our mind. It is only sin when
                   we entertain  these thoughts when we should be casting them down. This sin is
                   further  compounded  when  we  allow  these  thoughts  to  manifest  in  words  and

                          II Corinthians 10:3-5
                          For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for
                          the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for
                          the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty
                          thing  raised  up  against  the  knowledge  of  God,  and  we  are  taking  every
                          thought captive to the obedience of Christ...

                         It was not sin for the Israelites to find that there were thoughts of fear and
                   unbelief in their minds. It became sin when they did not rule over these thoughts.
                   Instead, they embraced the fear and unbelief and then gave voice to it. When we
                   voice those thoughts that are contrary to the will and truth of God, then we have
                   set our course and have revealed that we prefer a lie to the truth. God will judge us
                   for preferring a lie over the truth.

                          II Thessalonians 2:10-12
                          Because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this
                          reason  God  will  send  upon  them  a  deluding  influence  so  that  they  will
                          believe  what  is  false,  in  order  that  they  all  may  be  judged  who  did  not
                          believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.
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