Page 72 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 72

our enemies. Addiction cannot stand before the child of God who will believe and
                   obey. It has no more power against God than a house of cards has to resist the
                   force of a hurricane. Addictions of all kinds are so overmatched when compared to
                   the power of God working in us, as to make their chances of victory laughable. The
                   God who created the Universe with a word, and Who holds all things together by
                   the strength of His might, is not daunted by the enemies that dwell in our flesh.
                         It is not a lack of available power that will  keep any man  or  woman from
                   conquering the enemies in  the  land.  It is unbelief. Consider the words of those
                   who did not share the faith manifested by Joshua and Caleb.

                          Numbers 14:1-4
                          Then all the congregation lifted up their voices and cried, and the people
                          wept that night. All the sons of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron;
                          and the whole congregation said to them, "Would that we had died in the
                          land  of  Egypt!  Or  would  that  we  had  died  in  this  wilderness!  Why  is
                          Yahweh bringing us into this land, to fall by the sword? Our wives and our
                          little ones will become plunder; would it not be better for us to return to
                          Egypt?" So they said to one another, "Let us appoint a leader and return to

                         Fear and unbelief are perpetually the enemies of faith. Fear and unbelief will
                   cause  us  to  despise faith  even  as  the  sons  of  Israel  despised Moses  and Aaron.
                   When Joshua and Caleb persisted in telling the people that they were well able to
                   go in and take possession of the land, the people responded by speaking of stoning
                   them to death.
                         There are many Christians today who view the battles God would lead them
                   forth into, and they are met with the fear and unbelief of their flesh. They begin to
                   look  for  other  leaders  who  will  not  make  them  face  their  enemies.  It  does  not
                   matter  if  their  only  options  are  to  die  in  the  wilderness,  or  to  return  to  the
                   bondage of Egypt. They prefer these things to facing the giants in the land of their
                         Yahweh  is  greatly  displeased  whenever  He  encounters  such  a  heart  of
                   rebellion, fear and unbelief in one of His children. He knows there is no reason for
                   a person to give themselves over to these things. He has demonstrated in the most
                   profound way that He is for them. Some have criticized the Israelites for acting in
                   such  a  cravenly  manner  when  they  had observed  the  power  of  God  in  bringing
                   them forth from Egypt. These Christians believe they would never have acted in a
                   similar  fashion.  The  Israelites  witnessed  the  plagues  that  decimated  the  most
                   powerful  nation  on  earth,  so  they  should  not  have  feared  the  inhabitants  of
                   Canaan. God had proven to Israel that He was for them, and He would fight for
                   them. It was not by the Israelites’ power that the armies of Egypt were destroyed
                   in the Red Sea. God had vanquished the enemy they dreaded.
                         The Christian should consider that God has done even more for us. We need
                   look no further than the cross of Christ to see how God has taken up our part. The
                   authority of Satan over mankind was destroyed at the cross. God was willing to go
                   to the most extreme lengths in order to redeem us from the power of sin. He sent
                   forth His Son, Who was more precious to Him than anything else, and He asked
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