Page 79 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 79

Numbers 14:22-24
                          “Surely  all  the  men  who  have  seen  My  glory  and  My  signs  which  I
                          performed in Egypt and in the wilderness, yet have put Me to the test these
                          ten times and have not listened to My voice, shall by no means see the land
                          which I swore to their fathers, nor shall any of those who spurned Me see it.
                          But  My  servant  Caleb,  because  he  has  had  a  different  spirit  and  has
                          followed  Me  fully,  I  will  bring  into  the  land  which  he  entered,  and  his
                          descendants shall take possession of it.”

                         Caleb  made  the  good  confession.  He  spoke  no  words  of  unbelief.  He  was
                   careful to insure that his words were in accordance with Yahweh’s promises, and
                   he and his descendants reaped the rewards. No enemy could stand before them.
                   Caleb continued to make a good confession during the entire forty years that he
                   waited  in  the  wilderness  for  his  generation  to  die.  As  he  maintained  a  good
                   confession he grew strong. We read the following concerning him.

                          Joshua 14:10-11
                          "Now  behold,  Yahweh  has  let  me  live,  just  as  He  spoke,  these  forty-five
                          years, from the time that Yahweh spoke this word to Moses, when Israel
                          walked in the wilderness; and now behold, I am eighty-five years old today.
                          I am still as strong today as I was in the day Moses sent me; as my strength
                          was then, so my strength is now, for war and for going out and coming in.”

                         Caleb’s strength for warfare had not diminished even when he was 85 years
                   old.  When  the  Israelites  went  into  the  land,  Caleb  put  many  who  were  much
                   younger  to  shame.  He  had  spent  forty  years  making  a  positive  confession  of
                   Yahweh’s  power  to  defeat  His  enemies.  He  was  completely  transformed  by  the
                   words he spoke, and the result was that he did greater exploits than any other man
                   when he entered the land.
                         Yahweh had promised Caleb that he would be able to choose any part of the
                   land he desired when Israel entered in, for he had believed God. There was a very
                   choice part of the land. It was hill country and had streams and fields and was very
                   fertile. It was consequently also very well defended, and the greatest of the giants
                   dwelt in this area. Yet Caleb went to Joshua and said this was the very portion he
                   desired. He said that if Joshua would allow him to have it that he would slay the
                   giants that dwelt there. The Anakim lived there, and these were the giants of old.

                          Joshua 14:12-15
                          Now then, give me this hill country about which Yahweh spoke on that day,
                          for  you  heard  on  that  day  that  Anakim  were  there,  with  great  fortified
                          cities;  perhaps  Yahweh  will  be  with  me,  and  I  will  drive  them  out  as
                          Yahweh has spoken." So Joshua blessed him and gave Hebron to Caleb the
                          son  of  Jephunneh  for  an  inheritance.  Therefore,  Hebron  became  the
                          inheritance  of  Caleb  the  son  of  Jephunneh  the  Kenizzite  until  this  day,
                          because he followed Yahweh God of Israel fully. Now the name of Hebron
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