Page 74 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 74

would like us to see the positive things that were revealed in the lives of Joshua
                   and Caleb.
                         Although  most  of  those  alive  who  came  out  of  Egypt  failed  to  obtain  the
                   promise, everyone who believed obtained the promise. This should serve
                   to encourage those who see so much defeat everywhere around them. What the
                   story of Joshua and Caleb reveals is that even if all who are around you are falling
                   short  of  victory  due  to  evil  desires,  rebellion,  fear  and  unbelief,  those  who  will
                   follow  the  Lord  with  a  whole  heart  will  ALWAYS  obtain  the  promises  of  God.
                   Yahweh will not disqualify you due to the unbelief of those around you. All those
                   who have faith to take possession of the land of their flesh, will do so.
                         Joshua  and  Caleb  witnessed every  male  over  the  age  of  twenty  from  their
                   generation  die  in  the  wilderness.  They  observed  that  none  of  these  entered  the
                   land  to  drive  out  the  inhabitants  that  dwelt  there.  But  they  held  fast  to  the
                   promises of God, and they went into the land and have received the testimony that
                   among all those of their generation, they were pleasing to the Father. This can be
                   God’s testimony concerning your life as well.
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