Page 73 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 73

Him to lay down His life that we might be delivered. By His mighty power God
                   then raised Christ from the dead, and He has sent forth His Spirit that we might
                   become  partakers  of  this  same  resurrection  life.  We  have  the  dunamis  (the
                   dynamite power) of God within our beings.
                         How then can we doubt when we are faced with the giants in the land? Do we
                   even begin to suppose that God will ask us to fight our battles on our own? Has He
                   not sufficiently  proven  that He will  take up our part in the most extreme way?
                   Even as God assured Israel that He would give them the land of Canaan, and that
                   He would give them victory over all those who dwelt there, He has given the same
                   promise to you and I.
                         Because there is no reason for us to doubt Yahweh’s good intentions for us,
                   He  is  justifiably  angry  when  we  begin  to  accuse  Him  of  a  lack  of  caring.  The
                   Israelites said, “Why is Yahweh bringing us into this land, to fall by the sword?
                   Our wives and our little ones will become plunder.” There was no foundation upon
                   which to make such an accusation against God. The complaint was totally unjust,
                   having its origins not in the truth, but in fear and unbelief which the people were
                   not ruling over.
                         Many  Christians  do  not  realize  what  a  tyrant  fear  is.  They  have  not
                   understood how much evil is brought about by allowing fear to remain in our lives,
                   unchecked  and  unconquered.  Fear  will  lead  men  and  women  to  make  baseless
                   accusations against God, and it will persuade them to choose slavery to sin over a
                   life  of  righteousness.  This  is  why  God  has  declared  that  above  all  others,  the
                   fearful will be the first to be cast into the lake of fire.

                          Revelation 21:8
                          But  the  fearful,  unbelieving,  abominable,  murderers,  sexually  immoral,
                          sorcerers,  idolaters,  and  all  liars  shall  have  their  part  in  the  lake  which
                          burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

                         You  may  say,  “I  don’t  believe  I  am  afraid  of  my  addiction.  I  do  not
                   understand what fear has to do with it.” If you see your addiction as greater than
                   your ability through Christ to overcome, then you are not walking in faith, but fear
                   and unbelief. How common is it to hear a comment similar to the following, “I am
                   afraid  that  I  am  not  able  to  conquer  this  area  of  my  life”?  I  have  heard  such
                   confessions many times.
                         The Scriptures reveal that we will never be able to take possession of the land
                   of our flesh, we will never be able to drive out the enemies, apart from faith. We
                   must believe what God has said is true. We must put a greater weight upon the
                   promises of God than the report of our eyes and ears. Only those who are feeding
                   upon the Bread of Heaven will find this faith arising in their hearts.
                         Yahweh was so displeased  with the response of the Israelites that He told
                   them that they would receive exactly what they asked for. They had said, “It would
                   be better that we had died in this wilderness,” so that is exactly the judgment He
                   brought upon them. Their own words sealed their fate.
                         In  the  next  chapter  we  will  look  at  the  importance  of  guarding  our  lips
                   against  speaking  careless  words  of  unbelief.  I  want  to  end  this  chapter  on  a
                   positive note, however. Rather than taking Israel’s history as a negative lesson, I
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