Page 38 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 38

the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to
                          the will of God.

                         What an awesome ministry the Spirit of Christ provides to the child of God!
                   He enables us to overcome sin. He leads us. He bears witness to us that we are
                   God’s children, and that we belong to Him. He even helps empower our prayers
                   when we do not know how to pray.
                         Yahshua said that He would send the Spirit to indwell His disciples, and that
                   the Spirit would serve as His voice within them. The Spirit would lead them as a
                   shepherd guides the sheep.

                          John 10:27
                          “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me...”

                         Isaiah prophesied hundreds of years before it occurred, that God would send
                   His Spirit to man to serve as a guide in all things. This Spirit would lead us as
                   surely as the pillar of fire and cloud led the children of Israel in the wilderness.

                          Isaiah 30:20-21
                          He,  your  Teacher  will  no  longer  hide  Himself,  but  your  eyes  will  behold
                          your Teacher. Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk
                          in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left.

                         Our victory over addictive desires, and the passions that reside in our flesh,
                   is  only  guaranteed  as  we  go  where  God  would  have  us  to  go,  and  do  what  He
                   would have us to be doing. As we look further at the example of the Israelites in
                   the wilderness we can see that they were only assured of victory when they closely
                   followed where God told them to go. When they departed from the direction of
                   God they had no power to resist their enemies.
                         The New Testament also reveals that following the Lord wherever He would
                   lead us is vital to those who would walk as overcomers. In the book of Revelation
                   we  find  the  apostle  John  describing  a  vision  of  a  group  of  overcoming  saints
                   standing  with  Christ  on  Mount  Zion.  Of  these  victorious  believers  we  read  the

                          Revelation 14:4-5
                          These  are  the  ones  who  follow  the  Lamb  wherever  He  goes.  These  have
                          been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb.
                          And no lie was found in their mouth; they are blameless.

                         This is a trait of all those who would walk in victory over sin, Satan and the
                   world. They follow Christ wherever He would lead them.
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