Page 39 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 39

Chapter 6 - The Spirit is Life

                     n the first chapter of this book the statement was made, “The only real answer to
                   Ithe  problem  of  addictive  behavior  is  to  restore  light  and  life  to  our  beings.”
                   Death, physical and spiritual, is the natural consequence of sin. Mortal man needs
                   to receive life back into his being in order to walk in victory over sin. When we
                   receive the divine life of God into our being we are able to walk as spiritual men,
                   both desiring and performing the will of God.

                          Philippians 2:13
                          For it is God Who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and
                          creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good
                          pleasure and satisfaction and  delight.
                          [Amplified Bible]

                         The life of God must enter into man’s being in order for man to live a life of
                   righteousness. Apart from the life of God, all we have in these bodies is death, the
                   principle of sin at work  in  us.  Yahweh has made a way for  men and women to
                   receive His life inside their mortal bodies. This is through the indwelling Spirit of

                          Romans 8:11
                          But if the Spirit of Him who raised Yahshua from the dead dwells in you,
                          He  who  raised  Christ  Yahshua  from  the  dead  will  also  give  life  to  your
                          mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.

                         The Spirit of Christ is imparted to the believer to do much more than act as a
                   guide. Not only does He reveal those things that Yahweh wants each individual to
                   do, but He produces the desire to do God’s will, and supplies the power to do it.
                   This is the result of the very life of God being present in us.
                         In the previous chapter we spoke of asking God to give us His Holy Spirit.
                   Without this Spirit dwelling in us we have not truly changed. We may be forgiven
                   for our sin by the shed blood of Christ, but we have no power to walk in victory
                   over sin until the we receive the Spirit of Christ into our being. Without the Spirit
                   we can have forgiveness of sin by faith in Christ, but our bondage still remains.
                   That  faith  in  Christ’s  atoning  work  and  the  impartation  of  the  Spirit  are  two
                   separate works, is shown in the following Scripture.

                          Acts 19:1-6
                          It  happened  that  while  Apollos  was  at  Corinth,  Paul  passed  through  the
                          upper country and came to Ephesus, and found some disciples. He said to
                          them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" And they said
                          to him, "No, we have not even heard whether there is a Holy Spirit." And he
                          said,  "Into  what  then  were  you  baptized?"  And  they  said,  "Into  John's
                          baptism." Paul said, "John baptized with the baptism of repentance, telling
                          the  people  to  believe  in  Him  who  was  coming  after  him,  that  is,  in
                          Yahshua."  When  they  heard  this,  they  were  baptized  in  the  name  of  the
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