Page 113 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 113

Chapter 16 - Free in Christ

                       erhaps you picked up this book out of a desire to obtain victory over a specific
                   Paddiction or besetting sin. If so, it seems fitting to end this book by seeking to
                   widen  your  hope  of  the  victory  and  freedom  that  you  can  experience  in  Christ.
                   Perhaps  it  has  seemed  almost  too  good  to  be  true,  as  you  have  considered  the
                   promise that Christ can deliver you from any sin or addiction. There is no giant,
                   no walled city, no stronghold, that cannot be overcome in Christ. These statements
                   are  true,  but  I  would  urge  you  to  consider  something  even  greater  than  this
                   precious truth. Not only can Christ deliver you from ANY sin, He can deliver you
                   from ALL sin.
                         The level of Christian experience has sunk very low in these days due to the
                   wayward  heart  of  mankind.  Many  who  confess  Christ  love  pleasure  more  than
                   they  love  God.  There  has  been  little  pressing  in  to  know  how  mankind  might
                   satisfy Yahweh’s desire, as men and women have been more focused on satisfying
                   their own desires.
                         Few Christians in this hour are able to receive the report that there is a place
                   in Christ where we can rise above all the bonds of this sinful world. We can be
                   filled with the fulness of Christ. His life can be our life. His thoughts can be our
                   thoughts. We can become fully motivated, and completely animated, by the divine
                   life within our members. Our daily walk can be one of unbroken fellowship, and
                   our  experience  can  be  one  of  endless  righteousness  through  the  power  and
                   presence of the One who dwells in us.
                         This testimony is hidden from the majority of men and women today, yet the
                   Spirit bears witness of its truth. So too do the many parables of Scripture, as well
                   as the plain speech of the apostles. Yet that which is declared in many ways and in
                   many  places  has  been  obscured  by  the  veil  that  lies  over  the  eyes  of  men  and
                   women  who  are  divided  in  their  affections.  Consider  once  more  the  parable  of
                   Israel’s release from captivity in Egypt and her entry into the land of promise.
                         How  much  authority  did  Egypt  and  Pharaoh  retain  over  Israel  after  they
                   crossed  the  Red  Sea?  Crossing  through  a  body  of  water  is  symbolic  of  passing
                   through death into a new life. What is symbolized in crossing the Red Sea is the
                   complete death to all that had formerly kept Israel enslaved. We find this truth in
                   the following words:

                          Exodus 14:13
                          Moses said to the people, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of
                          Yahweh which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom
                          you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.”

                         “See the salvation of Yahweh!” It is a complete salvation. Egypt maintained
                   no  hold  over  Israel.  The  power  of  Pharaoh  was  completely  broken  as  the  great
                   army of Egypt perished in the sea.
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