Page 108 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 108

dwelling  within  them,  and  understand  the  strength  of  the  enemy,  they  may  be
                   tempted to respond as did the unbelieving Israelites.
                         Yet God has given us many precious promises of victory over sin. We must
                   stand upon these promises in faith, and we must hold up these promises when the
                   enemy seeks to attack us with fear, doubt and unbelief.

                          I John 5:4-5
                          For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory
                          that  has  overcome  the  world--our  faith.  Who  is  he  who  overcomes  the
                          world, but he who believes that Yahshua is the Son of God?

                         Your response to God’s promises is critical. If you do not take up the shield
                   of faith, you will not be able to walk as an overcomer after the pattern of Joshua
                   and Caleb. You will simply die in the wilderness. You will be like those who saw
                   the produce of the magnificent land flowing with milk and honey, but who never
                   were able to enter in. When you stand upon the promises of God then you are able
                   to withstand all the lies that your adversary Satan shoots at you. You are able to
                   withstand the assault of the flaming arrows of fear and unbelief. As you continue
                   to stand your ground the enemy must flee before you.

                   The Helmet of Salvation

                         The  apostle  Paul  in  writing  to  the  church  in  Thessalonica  provides a  little
                   more insight into the nature of this part of the soldier’s outfit.

                          I Thessalonians 5:8
                          But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of
                          faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation.

                         The  helmet  is  not  just  salvation,  but  “the  hope  of  salvation.”  We  have
                   mentioned before that the word deliverance is a synonym for the word salvation.
                   We  could  therefore  state  that  this  helmet  stands  as  a  symbol  of  our  hope  of
                   deliverance. It is symbolic that this helmet fits over the head of man, for this hope
                   of deliverance stands as our defense against thoughts of defeat, frustration  and
                   weariness that attack our mind.
                         I  believe  the  hope  in  view  here  is  two-fold.  There  is  a  hope  that  we  will
                   overcome every besetting sin in this present life. There is also a hope that we will
                   enter into a fulness of salvation in the age to come. There will be a time when we
                   will lay aside these mortal bodies and put on that which is immortal. We will put
                   off  these  bodies of  corruption  in  which  sin  dwells,  and  we  will  put  on  glorified
                   bodies without corruption or any knowledge of sin. The Scriptures speak of the
                   hope of a present deliverance from sin, as well as  the hope of a future deliverance
                   from the battle that rages between the flesh and spirit of man.
                         As we enter into the battles set before us we will find that all is not won in an
                   instant. There is a long warfare to take complete control of these bodies in which
                   sin dwells. At times we will find that the enemies are not driven out apart from a
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