Page 111 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 111

Romans 10:17
                          So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

                          Romans 8:14
                          For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

                         The Spirit will teach us truth as we are attentive to His voice. He will lead us
                   in the path of righteousness. We must train our senses to listen to the voice of the
                   Spirit. It is very easy to allow the temples of our bodies to become so filled with the
                   thoughts of worldly pursuits that the still, small voice of the Spirit is drowned out.
                         When Christ drove out the merchants and money changers from the temple,
                   He was demonstrating a powerful lesson for us. He said, “My Father’s house is to
                   be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.” Our bodies are the
                   temple of God. We have been created to be houses of prayer where God’s Spirit
                   communes with our spirit. We too can fill these temples with all the noise of the
                   world  as  we  set  our  sights  on  buying  and  selling,  pleasures  and  various
                         The pursuit of the world will keep us from hearing the voice of God. When
                   this occurs we are putting ourselves at risk from an attack of the enemy. It is as if a
                   soldier  on  the  battlefield  had  turned  off  his  combat  radio  and  had  tuned  in  a
                   station playing the music and news of the world. Becoming so fixated on this noise
                   the  soldier  is  unable  to  receive  warnings  from  his  commander.  We  must  be
                   attentive to the written and spoken word of God.
                         This leads us to the final part of our spiritual weaponry.


                          With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit...

                         Many people do not include this verse along with the section that describes
                   the spiritual armor of the saint. Yet I see it as being part of the same thought. Who
                   ever  heard  of  engaging  in  battle  without  making  some  provision  for
                   communication between the battle commander and those under his leadership? In
                   today’s  arena  of  modern  warfare,  communication  has  become  one  of  the  most
                   important parts of the military’s focus. It should also be a priority with the child of
                         Throughout  Scripture,  and  throughout  the  recorded  history  of  military
                   warfare, we see numerous examples of battles gone awry due to the absence of
                   good communication. Many times the tide of an entire war has turned on this one
                   issue.  Armies  have  turned  back  when  they  feared  an  approaching  foe  that  was
                   nowhere around. Others have been destroyed through poor battle execution when
                   communication was disrupted.
                         We have seen already in this book that God wants us to look to Him at all
                   times to discern His will for us. We are to move when He moves, and remain still
                   when He does not move. Failing to do so, we will make a shipwreck of our lives.
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