Page 112 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 112

The only example mankind has been given of a man who walked victoriously
                   over all sin and temptation is found in the life of Christ. It is no coincidence that
                   we observe in His life a devotion to prayer.

                          Luke 5:16
                          Yahshua would often slip away to the wilderness and pray.

                         Whether in the morning, or the evening, we find Christ seeking a place apart
                   to pray.

                          Mark 1:35
                          In the early morning, while it was still dark, Yahshua got up, left the house,
                          and went away to a secluded place, and was praying there.

                          Matthew 14:23
                          After  He  had  sent  the  crowds  away,  He  went  up  on  the  mountain  by
                          Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone.

                         Apart from a devotion to prayer, there is no power over sin and temptation
                   in the life of the saint. We must remain abiding in Christ in order to receive the
                   divine life necessary to live a transformed life as a spiritual creature. If we neglect
                   prayer, we begin to wither away and we become easy prey for the enemy.
                         All of these various parts of our spiritual armor and weaponry are needed in
                   order to defeat the enemies that we face.
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