Page 117 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 117


                       pon  sending  out  chapter  eight  of  this  book  to  my  mailing  list,  a  lively
                   Uinteraction  ensued.  It  was  evident  that  Yahweh  wanted  His  children  to  not
                   pass  quickly  over  what  was  written,  as  He  provided  numerous  supporting
                   witnesses. These affirmations were in the form of parables, dreams and Scriptural
                   insight, and I have included them here that the reader might be further exhorted.
                         The subject of chapter 8  is embracing a new diet  immediately upon being
                   called  out  of  Egypt.  Even  as  Yahweh  provided  a  new  source  of  food  for  the
                   Israelites  to  feed  upon,  as  seen  in  the  manna  and  the  unleavened  bread  of
                   Passover,  we  are  to  cease  feeding  on  the  leavened  and  fleshly  offerings  of  the
                   world when we are called out by God.
                         Following  are  some  comments  of  a  Christian  brother  who  grew  up  in
                   England,  but  now  resides  in  Nevada.  Those  things  he  received  bear  witness  as
                   having their origin in the Spirit of Christ. He writes:

                   Dear brother,

                         I am being edified by your current book, and the latest chapter especially
                   resonated, as Yahweh has been showing me these same truths in greater clarity
                   than ever before recently. I had a few thoughts I wanted to share.
                         I have never been an avid watcher of TV (growing up my family got rid of
                   ours and I watched none  for a good decade or so). However, since moving to
                   America with its hyper-TV culture, it is easy to spend time watching, even if it is
                   a small enough amount to (erroneously) convince myself it is “harmless.” I have
                   always known deep down that TV is garbage spiritually, but this was reinforced
                   a few years ago when I had watched a couple of hours, despite knowing full well
                   I  was  neglecting  the  things  of  Yahweh  in  doing  so.  Anyhow,  that  night  I  had
                   sudden  and  severe  sickness,  that  I  believed  to  be  food  poisoning,  and  I  was
                   literally throwing up all through the night. In the midst of the physical misery I
                   cried out to the Lord “is there a spiritual lesson to this?” I very clearly felt the
                   Spirit say “In the same manner, this is how TV affects you spiritually.”
                         Despite that lesson, I have flirted with TV and movies in the years since,
                   never truly realizing that I needed to completely cut them from my life. However,
                   I  recently  received  this  revelation  with  such  force  that  I  completely  stopped
                   watching them. The spiritual growth and renewed focus that has come from this
                   has been amazing...

                         One analogy concerning this situation that came very clearly to me is as
                   follows: if we are ‘radios’ so to speak, there are only two basic wavelengths we
                   can be tuned to: the flesh, or the Spirit. Almost everything in this temporal realm,
                   and  especially  this  corrupt,  decadent  culture,  is  powerful  to  tune  us  to  the
                   wavelength of the flesh if we allow it. TV, movies and such things will rarely (if
                   ever) tune us into the Spirit. The times I am the weakest in spirit is when I have
                   devoted time to the wrong ‘radio channel.’
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