Page 110 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 110

II Timothy 2:15
                          Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved
                          (tested  by  trial),  a  workman  who  has  no  cause  to  be  ashamed,  correctly
                          analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching]
                          the Word of Truth.
                          [Amplified Bible]

                         Your  effectiveness  in  spiritual  battle  will  depend  much  upon  your  skillful
                   handling of the word of God. It is essential that all who seek to overcome addiction
                   and progress in a life of holiness should spend much time in the study of the word.
                   Even as a man does not become skillful with a sword without much usage, we will
                   not  become  skillful  in  the  word  apart  from  a  devotion  to  learning  is  correct
                         It is symbolic that the sword is gripped in the hand. The word of God must
                   also be near at hand at all times. We must be able to swiftly draw it forth out of its
                   scabbard  in  time  of  need.  In  order  to  do  this,  memorization  of  Scripture  is

                          Psalms 119:11
                          Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

                         When  I  was  a  youth  I  began  memorizing Scripture  in  church.  Later  I  was
                   encouraged by a number of older Christians to apply myself to Scripture memory
                   as a spiritual discipline. It became my practice to write key verses down on index
                   cards and to carry them in my pocket during the day. I would take them to work,
                   and everywhere I went, and I would meditate upon them to gain understanding. I
                   would practice reciting them until I could say them perfectly.
                         I have found the Scriptures committed to memory to have been a great aid
                   throughout my entire life. Many Scriptures now come to mind as easily as a well
                   used sword is drawn forth by the hand of a seasoned warrior. There is tremendous
                   value in the study of the word of God. It renews the mind even as we dwell upon it.
                   The soul is refreshed and the thoughts purified as we immerse ourselves in the
                   cleansing power of the holy word of God.
                         When Christ was tested by Satan in the wilderness, the word of God flowed
                   forth from His mouth as a two-edged sword. At every parry of the enemy, Christ
                   had the appropriate response.
                         The danger of neglecting the word of God is that Satan also is familiar with
                   it. Satan quoted Scriptures to Christ when he tempted Him. If a believer is not well
                   grounded in the Scriptures he will be easily misled when Satan seeks to deceive
                   him through a misapplication of the word of God.
                         Those who love life, and who want to walk in victory, will give themselves to
                   a study of the word. Like David they will seek to implant the word in their heart.
                   Scripture memory is a valuable means of fitting oneself for battle.
                         The sword of the Spirit is not only the written  word. It is also the spoken
                   word of God.
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