Page 116 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 116

John 8:31-32
                          Yahshua was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “If you continue
                          in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine;  and you will know the
                          truth, and the truth will make you free... So if the Son makes you free, you
                          will be free indeed.”

                         To continue in Christ’s word is to rest upon it as truth. The second part of
                   Galatians 2:20 reveals Paul’s confession of this.

                          Galatians 2:20
                          The life which I now live in the flesh I live in the faith of the Son of God,
                          who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

                         What Paul is testifying is that his life is completely different now that he has
                   been born of the Spirit of Christ. He lives his life through a daily reckoning upon
                   the presence of Christ in Him. He surrenders to the life of Christ in his being, and
                   as he does so the life of Christ is manifested. The divine life of God is revealed in,
                   and through, Paul. This can also be your experience, and mine.
                         Such  an  understanding  goes  far  beyond  hoping  that  we  might  be  able  to
                   overcome a specific, troubling addiction. It is to embrace the knowledge that God’s
                   Spirit  is  present  in  us  to  enable  us  to  walk  as  a  mature  reflection  of  Himself
                   through  the  course  of  this  world.  God  has  testified  that  He  is  at  work  in  us  to
                   conform us to the image of Christ, and Christ said, “If you have seen Me, you have
                   seen  the  Father.”  It  is  not  heresy  then  to  believe  that  God  desires  this  same
                   confession to be the normal result of His powerful working in our lives.
                         From the beginning God said, “Let us create man in our image, and after our
                   likeness.” Christ was the first man to attain to this end that God had in mind. He is
                   not the last, however.

                          Romans 8:29
                          For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to
                          the  image  of  His  Son,  so  that  He  would  be  the  firstborn  among  many

                         Satan would tell the Christian that it is not possible to walk as Christ did in
                   this world. He would declare to us that we cannot walk in victory over all sin, that
                   such a state is only possible when we leave this world and ascend to heaven. The
                   Scriptures  reveal  that  Satan  is  a  liar,  and  the  father  of  lies.  He  has  lost  his
                   authority over our lives, but he knows he can still keep many from walking in the
                   power of the Spirit by deceiving them. If you do not believe you are free from your
                   chains, you will live as if you are still bound, though the chains lie broken beside
                         You will never rise higher than your faith to believe. Feed your spirit. Abide
                   in Christ. Live  in  His word, and be transformed as you renew your mind. Your
                   victory is assured if only you will believe.
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