Page 106 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 106

simply for the sake of historical record. It has  been written for  our instruction.
                   Many  Christians  today  do  precisely  as  King  Saul  did.  God  sends  them  forth  to
                   battle an enemy and they only do the job part way and then say they are finished
                   and they expect God to be pleased. The Christian often will get rid of that in their
                   life which appears worthless to them, but those things that are attractive they will
                   spare, even when God says to destroy them.
                         Working and living at a rescue mission, I have found this to be the pattern of
                   most men. Many come in who  want to  be delivered of that which is  destroying
                   their life, but they do not want to go as far as God would have them to go. When
                   God would begin to convict them regarding those substances they are putting in
                   their body, they immediately begin to divide them up into those things they are
                   willing to get rid of, and those which they are not. Many missions have rules that
                   prohibit  smoking  cigarettes.  At  those  that  do  not  prohibit  smoking,  it  is  not
                   unusual to find that nearly all of the men in a recovery program smoke. Whereas
                   they are willing to forego illegal drugs to be at a mission, for they are not tolerated,
                   they  are  unwilling  to  do  anything  about  their  equally  destructive  addiction  to
                         Some men who have been convicted by God to lay aside cigarette smoking,
                   switch to smokeless tobacco instead. They dip snuff, or chew tobacco and they go
                   on as if they have done all that God desires them to do. I have found the same
                   pattern being followed in alcohol consumption. Some who were greatly convicted
                   of their drunkenness would give up hard liquor, but they would continue to drink
                   beer. There are some who even feel they have done the will of God when they have
                   ceased to use cocaine or methamphetamines, but they convince themselves it is
                   okay to continue to smoke marijuana.
                         All of these things are examples of the type of failure manifested in the life of
                   King  Saul.  They  are  also  examples  of  not  putting  on  the  belt  of  truth  and  the
                   breastplate  of  righteousness.  We  must  agree  with  God  concerning  those  things
                   which are sin. If we do not, we will sit back and glory in our victory when we have
                   not done the will of God. King Saul even erected a monument to himself after his
                   defeat of Amalek, and so too do men and women celebrate their victories when
                   they have fallen short of God’s command.

                   The Shoes of Peace

                          “and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace...”

                         This may seem like a strange description of a warrior’s apparel. What does
                   the gospel of peace have to do with spiritual warfare? The word ‘gospel’ literally
                   means ‘good news.’ What good news is being referred to here? Evidently it is good
                   news concerning peace. The angels announced the birth of Christ to the shepherds
                   in the following way:

                          Luke 2:14
                          “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
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