Page 107 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 107

What peace is it to which the angels are referring? It is peace between God
                   and man. Because of sin mankind had been at enmity with God. Sin had caused a
                   breach  in  man’s  fellowship  with  God.  In  the  book  of  Romans  the  apostle  Paul
                   declares, “while we were enemies Christ died for us.” Christ came to bring peace
                   between God and man. He came to cancel out the bill of decrees against us as He
                   bore our sins on His body at the cross.
                         John the Baptist came as a forerunner of Christ. His father prophesied the
                   following words concerning him.

                          Luke 1:76-79
                          And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; For you will go
                          on before the Lord to prepare His ways; to give to His people the knowledge
                          of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins, because of the tender mercy of
                          our God, with which the Sunrise from on high shall visit us, to shine upon
                          those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death, to guide our feet into
                          the way of peace.

                         Our peace is accomplished through the forgiveness of sins. Even as shoes are
                   that which man stands upon, so the forgiveness of sin is the foundation for our
                   victory in Christ. Our victory begins with our reconciliation to the Father. Apart
                   from being united with the Father we can have no victory. It was the atoning death
                   of Christ that made peace between God and man, and now that peace has been
                   made man can walk with God as He leads mankind to victory over every enemy.

                   The Shield of Faith

                          Ephesians 6:16
                          Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all
                          the fiery darts of the wicked one.

                         Mankind has an external enemy in this battle to  establish the kingdom of
                   God within his being. This enemy is Satan, and those forces in league with him.
                   Faith is a key element in the armor of the saint.
                         Many Christians think only of belief in the atoning death of Christ when they
                   hear the word faith. They only understand faith as it relates to forgiveness of sin.
                   Yet faith is also a critical part of our victory over sin. We saw this in the earlier
                   chapter that looked at the failure of the Israelites to believe that God would give
                   them victory over all their enemies. Because they preferred to believe the report of
                   their eyes, they were not able to enter the land.
                         When we come to Christ we begin to take an accounting of those things that
                   dwell in the land of our flesh. There are strongholds and walled cities and giants
                   that  live  in  the  land.  Some  of  these  bear  names  such  as  ADDICTION,  FEAR,
                   LUST, PRIDE, and ANGER. A man may have been ruled by a violent temper all of
                   his life before coming to Christ. Another man may have been addicted to drugs or
                   alcohol. One man may have been enslaved to sexual lust, while another man has
                   been  covetous  of  worldly  possessions.  As  these  men  look  upon  the  enemies
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