Page 96 - Sarah's Children
P. 96

I previously stated that when Satan brings deception he attempts to make it appear
               attractive. What is the attraction in the negating of God’s order that Christ is the
               head of man, and man is the head of woman? For one, it frees the woman from her
               place of submission to man. This is an awesome attraction.

               It is evident in our western culture that the natural order of men and women as
               established by God is viewed with contempt. For generations now women have been
               fighting to attain an equal footing with men, choosing not to remain in submission
               to them. The concept of a wife honoring and submitting to her husband is viewed as
               archaic and unsophisticated.

               There is tremendous fear that must be overcome for a woman to subject herself to
               her husband, father, or other male authority figure in her life. This is why Peter said,

                       I Peter 3:6
                       Thus Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord, and you have become
                       her children if you do what is right without being frightened by any fear.

               A woman fears that her husband may not consider her needs. She fears that her
               husband might make a foolish mistake that will have negative repercussions in her
               life. She fears that her husband might choose to walk down a path that will bring
               hardship  to  herself  or  her  children.  She  fears  that  her  husband  might  through
               disobedience  bring  judgment  and  calamity  upon  herself  and  the  rest  of  his

               By negating God’s order and changing the obvious and natural interpretations of
               scriptures, a woman is offered a way out; she is given an alternate path which she can
               walk that gives her much more control over her destiny. She no longer has to walk
               in submission to man, exercising faith, trusting God to protect her from the failures
               of her husband who has feet of clay. As Satan offered the fruit to Adam’s wife, and
               it had a pleasing appearance to her, so does this forbidden fruit have allure to women
               in the Church.

               It is only through faith and obedience that the godly woman refuses to take the bait
               that Satan dangles before her. Her soul life must be crushed and her fears must be
               faced and overcome. By entrusting herself to Yahweh, and looking to Him rather
               than to her circumstances, the holy woman overcomes the fears in her life. Yahweh
               is pleased to respond by strongly supporting such a woman.

                       II Chronicles 16:9
                       "For the eyes of Yahweh move to and fro throughout the earth that He
                       may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.”
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