Page 93 - Sarah's Children
P. 93

personal consequence, to desire to conform oneself to that which the Spirit illumines
               to us.

               Much of the church lacks this integrity, however. We live in the perilous last days
               that Paul spoke of where men will not endure sound doctrine and where the masses
               of Christendom are heaping to themselves teachers to tickle their ears and to tell
               them what they want to hear. We live in the day in which Paul foretold to Timothy
               that men would turn aside  to myths and fables, and he further declared to the
               Thessalonian believers that Yahshua would not return unless the apostasy occurred
               first, the apostasy being a divorcement from truth.

               In this same passage to the Thessalonian believers we find some sobering words.
               “Because they did not receive the love of the truth... for this reason God will send
               upon  them  a  deluding  influence  so  that  they  might  believe  what  is  false”  (II
               Thessalonians 2:10-11 ). When people do not hold the truth as their first objective in
               studying the scriptures, when they approach the word of God with the intent of
               supporting some position that appeals to them, then the Father has declared that He
               will send them deception.

               If we approach the scriptures with anything less than a sincere desire to know truth,
               the Father will allow us to find exactly what we want. If we desire falsehood, He will
               give us over to delusion. Only those who desire truth, despite all personal cost to
               themselves,  will  find  it.  In  the  matter  I  will  address  here,  many  have  received
               delusion because they really didn’t want truth. They wanted something less than
               truth. They simply desired to find a doctrine that they felt would not lead them
               outside of their comfort zone, or bring them to a place of personal crucifixion. Even
               in the Old Testament we find that there were always many more false prophets than
               true. It is no different in Christendom today.

               Satan’s chief weapon is deception and deception always works best when it has an
               element of appeal in it. By offering an enticing deception, Satan deceived the first
               woman in the Garden of Eden. The fruit that Satan invited Adam’s wife to partake
               of was physically appealing, and Satan’s lies made it even more attractive to her soul.

                       Genesis 3:6
                       When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a
                       delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise,
                       she took from its fruit and ate...

               In the same way, there is much in the doctrine that says there is no governmental
               difference between men and women in the kingdom, that makes it attractive both to
               the women and the men who would eat of this fruit.
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