Page 91 - Sarah's Children
P. 91

woman stands in the congregation with her head uncovered she is exposing the glory
               of her husband and her husband is brought to shame for failing to cover his glory in
               the presence of God. What a shame it is for a man to stand in God’s presence with his
               glory exposed. This is the meaning of these verses:

                       Every  man  who  has  something  on  his  head  while  praying  or
                       prophesying, dishonors his head. But every woman who has her head
                       uncovered while praying or prophesying, dishonors her head... For a
                       man ought not to have his head covered, since he is the image and glory
                       of God; but the woman is the glory of man.

               Just as Paul gave more than one scriptural reason supporting the ministers right to
               make a living from the gospel, we can now see that he has given more than one
               scriptural reason for women to have their heads covered. The godly woman should
               cover her head because of the angels, to demonstrate humble acceptance of her role
               in creation. She should also do so because of glory: God’s glory should be exposed,
               but man’s glory covered. This is the purpose and understanding of headcovering.
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