Page 95 - Sarah's Children
P. 95

to tell me that God would never ask a man to do something without bringing his wife
               into  agreement  first.  This  would  certainly  be  nice,  but  it  has  neither  been  my
               experience, nor is this revealed to be the testimony of the scriptures.

               If David had consulted with his wife Michael first, he would have never danced
               before the Lord as he did when the Ark was brought into Jerusalem. When Abraham
               listened to the voice of Sarah above the witness of God to him, he ended up having
               Ishmael as a son. When Samson finally told his wife Delilah what she badgered him
               to know, it ended up costing him his sight, his strength, and eventually his life.
               Solomon’s wives led him into idolatry.

               Whether wives are godly or ungodly, there will eventually come a time when they
               have not heard the same thing Yahweh has revealed to the man.  It seems Yahweh
               is intent on causing this to happen to test our obedience to His headship. When a
               man seeks to never choose a course which will offend his wife nor God, he will
               eventually be led to confusion. No man can have two heads and remain without
               conflict. The traditions of the church today have brought many homes to this state
               of confusion.

               Yahshua condemned the Pharisees for making the commands of God of no effect
               through their traditions. Their traditions were interpretations of scripture that were
               of  man,  not  of  God.  In  the  same  way,  those  who  are  teaching  this  doctrine  of
               democratic relationships between men and women are nullifying the commands of
               God and bringing confusion into the body of Christ.

               Interestingly  enough,  the  scripture  that  states  “for  God  is  not  the  author  of
               confusion” is found in the very passage that most pointedly looks at the issue of
               male/female relationships.

                       I Corinthians 14:33-34
                       For God is not a God of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of
                       the saints. Let the women keep silent in the churches; for they are not
                       permitted to speak, but let them subject themselves, just as the Law also

               What a difficult scripture this is for those who do not discern the government of God.
               Again, I am not writing at length on government here, it is explained very thoroughly
               in the chapter “Head Covering and Government”. It is easy to understand why many
               who do not discern government have decried Paul as a chauvinist and one who was
               bigoted against women. Many have categorized his teachings as an artifact of the
               patriarchal society he found himself in.
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