Page 92 - Sarah's Children
P. 92

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to
                                    be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

                                                     II Timothy 2:15

                                             Neither Male Nor Female

                     robably the most often heard argument that is used to justify the overthrow of
                     Yahweh’s governmental order among men and women today is that which is
               Pbased upon Paul’s words to the Galatian believers. A fragment of one verse that
               is removed from its context is repeated over and over, “in Christ...  there is neither
               male nor female.”

               This one snippet of a verse is used to justify women being independent of men and
               declaring that man is not the head of woman. This verse is used to support the role
               of women as pastors of churches even when Paul has declared elsewhere that he does
               not allow a woman to teach or usurp authority over a man. This verse is used to
               proclaim that a patriarchal family structure has no place in the church age. This one
               phrase, taken out of its context, is used as the “killer argument” to overturn the
               governmental order of Yahweh that is found everywhere throughout the scriptures.

               Indeed, when one takes this fragment of a sentence by itself, as it is most often
               offered, it appears to give great trouble to the teachings of governmental order
               between men and women. However, we should always examine the context of the
               scripture quotations we use, to know whether we are properly understanding the
               meaning  of  the  writer.  Paul  admonished  Timothy  to  “study  to  show  yourself
               approved, rightly dividing the word of God”, addressing the problem of many who
               do not rightly divide the word.

               Many grievous errors have occurred as saints have taken scriptures out of context
               and have used them in an improper manner. This brings up a point that I would like
               to address before I venture further on this topic. There is a danger of examining the
               scriptures to find something that we desire. We may have a certain prejudice on a
               topic leading us to seek to find scriptures that will support our prejudice.

               In the book of Proverbs we are told that every man is justified in his own eyes
               (Proverbs 21:2). It is quite possible to find a scripture passage, a verse, or a snippet
               of a verse that will support anything we desire. I have even seen some use scriptures
               to support fornication, and even adultery. The child of God should always have as his
               or her first goal to know the mind of Yahweh on a matter, and with no concern of
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