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The Report of the Secretary’s Task Force on Youth Suicide projected that gay adolescents were
               two to three times more likely than their peers to attempt suicide, accounting for as many as 30%
               of completed suicides each year.

               Far from being “gay,” there is great evidence to demonstrate that homosexuals experience much
               greater incidence of depression and thoughts of ending their lives, than non-homosexuals. This is
               not a surprising finding when one considers that Satan is behind the homosexual agenda and he
               comes only to kill, steal, and destroy.

               Marketing is king for Satan and his disciples, when it comes to selling a product, an idea, or a
               lifestyle. Satan has masterfully crafted a publicity campaign to make the homosexual lifestyle
               appear attractive. The word “gay” was carefully chosen to evoke a positive, lively image in the
               minds of men, women, and adolescents. The reality is that homosexual behavior leads to
               extremely higher occurrences of depression. To refer to the homosexual lifestyle as
               “despondent,” “depressed,” or “sad” would have been more accurate if one were pursuing truth
               in labeling, but it would have made the lifestyle harder to sell.

               Campaign to Fight Gay Suicide

               The image above reveals another aspect of Satan’s marketing prowess. He has chosen the
               rainbow as the symbol of the homosexual community. The rainbow was created by God as a
               symbol of promise and of new life, after the flood of Noah’s day had cut off wicked men and
               women from the earth. Satan has transformed this symbol into an image that promotes the same
               type of wickedness that has so often elicited God’s wrath. Satan is intent on redefining
               everything Yahweh declares holy as something unholy, and calling that which is evil good. A
                                                           further example of this is the association of the
                                                           word “Pride” with celebrations of the homosexual
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