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bondage to sin. I desire that they might know what it is to walk in purity and holiness, with a
               clean conscience before God.

               The Free and Equal campaign focuses on legal reforms and public education. The legal reforms
               will eventually lead to the enactment of laws where any criticism of homosexuality will be
               declared a hate crime. This week, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas stated the following in an interview
               on the Christian Broadcasting Network.

               “If you look at other nations that have gone down the road towards gay marriage, that’s the next
               step of where it gets enforced,” Cruz agreed. “It gets enforced against Christian pastors who
               decline to perform gay marriages, who speak out and preach biblical truths on marriage, that
               has been defined elsewhere as hate speech, as inconsistent with the enlightened view of

               “I think there is no doubt that the advocates who are driving this effort in the United States want
               to see us end up in that same place.”

               When the U.N. calls for further “public education” on the subject of homosexuality, they are
               actually referring to indoctrination and thought control. Already, if a person in government
               employment, or a large number of politically correct corporations,  speaks out against
               homosexual behavior, they are subject to be required to attend sensitivity training classes, or
               could be terminated. It matters not if the person’s religious beliefs declare same sex relationships
               to be immoral. On the U.N. website is found the following statement.

               Ms. Pillay (UN High Commissioner for Human Rights) underlined that “the balance between
               tradition and culture, on the one hand, and universal human rights, on the other, must be struck
               in favour of rights,” adding that “no personal opinion, no religious belief, no matter how
               deeply held or widely shared, can ever justify depriving another human being of his or her basic

               This is a masterfully deceptive statement. In speaking about “the balance” between religious
               belief and whatever the UN declares to be a human right, they declare that the UN will always be
               favored. This is not balance. It is imbalance. Who decides what is a human right? Yahweh would
               say that it is a human right for a baby to be safe in its mother’s womb. The U.N. says it is the
               mother’s right to terminate the life of the baby growing within her. Yahweh states that
               homosexuality is evil behavior. The U.N. says it is a protected lifestyle, while encouraging
               people everywhere to embrace it. The following statement by the U.N.’s Secretary General, is
               found on their website:

               “To those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender, let me say: You are not alone. Your
               struggle for an end to violence and discrimination is a shared struggle. Any attack on you is an
               attack on the universal values of the United Nations that I have sworn to defend and uphold.”
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