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P. 24

[Secretary General Ban Ki-moon]

               From whence do these “universal values” derive? They are not rights established by the Creator.
               The right to practice homosexuality as a protected lifestyle is inspired by Satan, and adopted by
               his disciples. That the United Nations is at variance with Yahweh, and in open rebellion against
               Him, is revealed in the words spoken at the kick-off of the Free and Equal campaign. South
               African Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu was invited to speak at the launch of this campaign.
               He stated:

               Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu

               “I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven,” declared the high-profile black African
               leader...“No, I would say sorry — I mean, I would much rather go to the other place,” he said.
               Tutu added for emphasis, “I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how
               deeply I feel about this.”

               This apostate Archbishop is vividly manifesting the PRIDE of the homosexual movement. He
               has set his throne above that of God. He would overrule the Creator, calling the Holy One unjust
               and unrighteous in His judgments.

               Brothers and sisters, neither Satan, nor his human disciples, will relent on this matter. They will
               continue to press forward with their homosexual agenda until it is accepted by every nation on
               earth. Any criticism of homosexuality will be declared a criminal offense. To agree with Yahweh
               that homosexuality is an abomination will be characterized as a hate crime. An hour is near at
               hand when the words of Yahshua will be realized.

               Luke 21:16-19
               “But you will be delivered up even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends, and they
               will put some of you to death, and you will be hated by all on account of My name. Yet not a hair
               of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your lives.”

               As disciples of Christ we must recognize that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood.
               Mankind’s true adversaries are spiritual forces of wickedness in high places. Many have been
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