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The expectation for outside sexual activity was the rule for male couples and the exception for
               heterosexuals. Heterosexual couples lived with some expectation that their relationships were to
               last “until death do us part,” whereas gay couples wondered if their relationships could survive.
               [Source: ibid]

               Satan’s goals in legalizing homosexual marriage have nothing to do with defending the “rights”
               of a minority group. Satan is no friend of man. His purpose is to destroy, or defile, everything
               Yahweh ordained to be holy. This defilement includes all of mankind, and the institutions that
               govern family life and communal living. Satan wants to transform society’s perception of
               marriage as an institution. Making homosexual marriage between two men, or two women legal,
               is just one more step to a larger goal of redefining marriage. The sanctity of the marriage
               covenant has been under attack for a long time as divorce has become increasingly common.
               With the legalization of homosexual unions the destruction of the societal conception of marriage
               will be nearly complete. The article previously cited includes the following statement.

               Michelangelo Signorile describes the campaign “to fight for same-sex marriage and its benefits
               and then, once granted, redefine the institution completely--to demand the right to marry not as a
               way of adhering to society’s moral codes, but rather to debunk a myth and radically alter an
               archaic institution.” (1974, p 3).
               [Source: ibid]

               Returning to the U.N. campaign to promote and normalize homosexuality throughout the world,
               we see many evidences of thought shaping. Language employed is key. Homosexuals, whom the
               Bible refers to as “Sodomites,” or “abusers of themselves with mankind,” are referred to as
               “gay.” The adoption of the word “gay” to describe homosexual behavior was a shrewd triumph
               for Satan. The English word “gay” traditionally meant “having or showing a merry, lively mood.”
               A secondary meaning was “bright or showy, as in gay colors.” Lively music was described as
               “gay.” Synonyms for the word include “cheerful, gleeful, happy, glad, cheery, lighthearted,
               joyous, sunny, and lively.”

               Despite the fact that a great deal of homosexual behavior occurs in darkened clubs, hidden away
               from the light of day and the light of public scrutiny, it has become associated with a word that
               means “light,” or “sunny.” Despite the happy and upbeat connotations of the term “gay,”
               homosexuals experience far greater incidence of depression and suicide than heterosexuals.

               An unusual prevalence of suicide attempts and ideation among homosexual persons has surfaced
               repeatedly as an incidental finding in studies on human sexuality. Forty percent of 5000
               homosexual men and women who were surveyed by Jay and Young seriously considered or
               attempted suicide. Bell and Weinberg found that 1000 black and white homosexual men were,
               respectively, 12 and 3 times more likely than heterosexual men to report suicidal ideation or

               In two different studies of homosexual and bisexual adolescents, one third of boys reported
               attempts, and repeated attempts were common...
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