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for the video is intended to express a view of homosexuals as a persecuted group of innocent
               victims who deserve the sympathy and support of all mankind.

               If a person were to visit a Gay Pride parade in Chicago, New York, San Francisco, or other cities
               across the United States and the world, they would find a very different image of homosexuals. If
               they were to attend the Southern Decadence homosexual festival in New Orleans, they would see
               a far more debauched, raucous, and prideful image of homosexuals. If one were to observe the
               antics of pro-homosexual groups such as ACT-UP, peruse the pages of a “gay” magazine, or visit
               a gay nightclub, they would not find much evidence of humility, modesty, or anything resembling
               a wholesome image. The words “innocent,” “shy,” “respectful,” and “modest” may come to mind
               as one views this U.N. video, but these words are not typically used to describe the lives of
               homosexuals when they gather together in groups.

               Not all homosexuals are loud, outspoken, arrogant, exhibitionists. Some lead quiet lives of
               reserve. Some remain in a long-term relationship with a partner, but such lives are the exception,
               rather than the rule. The homosexual community is renowned for its promiscuity, and its overt

               A much-cited study by Bell and Weinberg (1978), published by the Kinsey Institute, and often
               called the most ambitious study of homosexuality ever attempted, gathered its data before the
               AIDS crisis had begun. This study showed that 28 percent of homosexual males had had sexual
               encounters with one thousand or more partners. Furthermore, 79 percent said more than half of
               their sex partners were strangers. Only 1 percent of the sexually active men had had fewer than
               five lifetime partners. The authors concede: “Little credence can be given to the supposition that
               homosexual men’s ‘promiscuity’ has been overestimated” (p.82).“Almost half of the white
               homosexual males…said that they had had at least 500 different sexual partners during the
               course of their homosexual careers,” (p. 85)...

               William Aaron’s autobiographical book “Straight” draws similar conclusions:

                 In the gay life, fidelity is almost impossible. Since part of the compulsion of homosexuality
               seems to be a need on the part of the homophile to “absorb” masculinity from his sexual
               partners, he must be constantly on the lookout for [new partners]. Constantly the most successful
               homophile “marriages” are those where there is an agreement between the two to have affairs
               on the side while maintaining the semblance of permanence in their living arrangement. [p. 208]

               He concludes:

                 Gay life is most typical and works best when sexual contacts are impersonal and even
               anonymous. As a group the homosexuals I have known seem far more preoccupied with sex than
               heterosexuals are, and far more likely to think of a good sex life as many partners under many
               exciting circumstances. [p.209]
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