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In The Gender Book, the term transgender is defined as “any individual whose identity crosses
over or challenges their society’s traditional gender roles or expressions.” Satan would declare
deviancy to be normal. Yahweh has not created any men in the bodies of women, nor women in
the bodies of men. Nor is the sex of an individual indeterminate until they reach maturity and
“choose” which gender that wish to identify with. Yahweh declares:
Jeremiah 1:5
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you...”
The prophet Isaiah stated:
Isaiah 49:1
Yahweh called Me from the womb; From the body of My mother He named Me.
Yahweh created males with male bodies, and females with female bodies. Gender and sex are
one and the same. Many have sought to sow confusion into the subject of gender identity by
mentioning that there are some people who are born with indistinct gender. The sex organs of a
small number of individuals are not properly formed at birth. The number of people born with
this condition is less than .005 percent.
Because of the presence of sin in the world, there are individuals who come from the womb with
deformities. Some have physical deformities, and some are mentally handicapped. We clearly
recognize such individuals as exceptional. They are not the NORM. A person may be born
without arms, but this does not mean that Yahweh’s norm for mankind is to not have arms. To
argue that it is normal for men and women to be gender confused because a small number of
individuals are born with deformities to their reproductive organs is akin to saying that there is
no such thing as normal eyesight because some people are born with visual impairment, or there
is not such thing as normal hearing because some individuals are born deaf. We recognize
blindness, and deafness, or impairments to sight and hearing, as being abnormal, and corrective
measures are taken to restore the normal function if possible. There is no difference in how
humanity should treat those born with abnormalities to their reproductive organs.
Yahweh created mankind as male and female. He gave instructions to mankind to guard these
gender distinctions. Yahweh commanded His people to not allow confusion to enter into the
distinctiveness of the sexes. Yahweh intends for men to behave and appear as men. He intends
for women to behave and appear as women.
Deuteronomy 22:5
A woman shall not wear man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever
does these things is an abomination to Yahweh your God.
The Gender Book contains the following pages.