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               As a crossdresser, I have a true gender gift, the ability to live and relate comfortably in both the
               masculine and feminine worlds. That is how I chose my femme name, which means “gift from

               The best word to describe that which is presented here is “confusion.” God does not “gift” any
               individual to relate to the world as masculine and feminine. He has created some to relate to the
               wold as men, and some to relate to the world as women. In this sinful world there are men and
               women who deviate from Yahweh’s design for humanity. Christ came to restore all mankind to
               Yahweh’s divine order.

               I Corinthians 6:10-11
               Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor
               homosexuals..., shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you; but you were
               washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Yahshua Christ,
               and in the Spirit of our God.

               Last week I was sent a link to an article about a newsman who announced that his gender identity
               was that of a woman. He began to dress in women’s clothes, wear a woman’s wig, and began
               hormone therapy. Three months later he claimed to have experienced a bizarre bout of amnesia
               where he reverted back to his male identity and could no longer even remember living as a

               I’m a guy again! ABC newsman who switched genders wants to switch back
               By TARA PALMERI
               Posted: August 6, 2013
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