Page 115 - Push Back
P. 115

We should be aware of the potentially pernicious intermingling of gay activism with science,
               which produces more propaganda than truth. Gay scientists must be scientists first, gays

               Midway through the AIDS epidemic, the media, having ignored homosexuality or treated it in a
               lurid manner, did a quick flip-flop under activist pressure and now continues its policy of
               unthinking cant by parroting the gay establishment party line on every occasion. Gay activists
               have earned a reputation as conspirators and casuists, because of their amoral tactics of deceit,
               defamation, intimidation, and extortion...

               These are the words of a lesbian as she looks at the dishonesty of the homosexual movement
               with an insider’s view. With charge after charge, she exposes the lies, fraud, and deception of
               homosexual advocates. Homosexuality is an altogether dishonest lifestyle. Homosexuals lie to
               themselves as they say they did not choose their behavior. They lie to one another and to the
               world as they say they were born homosexual and cannot change. They are disingenuous in
               depicting homosexuality as normal and wholesome when it is unnatural and unhealthy mentally,
               spiritually, and physically.

               We are increasingly seeing the government and media act as the “intimidation, and extortion”
               arm of the homosexual agenda. By introducing extreme laws that even forbid offering counseling
               to a person who wishes to overcome same-sex attraction, the government is placing its jackboot
               on the necks of those who have rational arguments, and compassionate concern, for those who
               are held in bondage to a destructive behavior. The Fox article ends with the following statement
               that is intended to vilify all who disagree with the government’s immoral and destructive

               Conversion therapy has increasingly drawn criticism for its methods. Last year, four gay men
               sued a Jersey City group for fraud, saying its program included making them strip naked and
               attack effigies of their mothers with baseball bats.

               This is a further example of the deceit being employed to defend the actions of the pro-
               homosexual advocates. A more extreme, unorthodox, example of conversion therapy can hardly
               be imagined. Rather that providing an honest description of the practices employed by the
               majority of counselors, whether they be Christian or secular, Fox News chose an egregious
               example of bizarre methodology in order to defame all counselors offering conversion therapy.

               Homosexuality is not only a culture of death, it is one of lies and deception. Homosexuality is
               championed by liars. Its claims are predicated upon fraud and deception. It portrays itself in a
               false light as people seeking wholesome and committed long term relationships. It stifles all
               honest discourse, and it is now criminalizing the proclamation of truth, even when it offered with
               compassion. The practice of homosexuality is altogether incongruous with the divine nature.
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