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for every crop. They have introduced pesticides into the plant’s DNA to kill insects. They have
modified corn and soybean DNA to be resistant to the pesticide known as RoundUp. Monsanto,
in collusion with the U.S. government, has suppressed private research into the health effects of
these GMO crops, but the research that has emerged reveals that by altering the genetic structure
of seeds, the plants are less nutritious, and in many instances introduce sickness, including
cancers, to those who consume them. Ranchers have found that livestock that has been fed on
GMO corn have developed digestion problems. Cattle have been unable to put on weight when
fed GMO grains. They have increased rates of infertility, experience far more stillbirths, etc..
Adding fluoride, a toxin and carcinogen produced as industrial waste, to human drinking water is
another example of man trying to “improve” on Yahweh’s divine design of the creation while
producing just the opposite effect. Much has been written about the deleterious effect of
vaccines. Injecting humans with viral material, heavy metals, and other toxins, as well as using
aborted fetal cells to produce the vaccines, has introduced an array of health problems that far
outweigh any claimed benefit that has been derived from the vaccines. Because the world media,
and national governments, are controlled by a global corporatocracy, the news about the negative
impact of tampering with God’s creation order is suppressed, while false claims of great benefit
are fed to the populace. The situation is no different when it comes to the promotion of
The image at the top of this post is taken from a publication titled The Gender Book. The
publication is available online as a PDF file to be read, printed, and shared with others, and will
soon be available as a paperback book. It is intended to be used as a primer to educate people on
the subject of human gender.
The author begins his book with the statement:
One of the first things to do was to unpack a lot of inherited beliefs about gender and examine
them for myself.
The writer, a man who identifies with the female gender, lists some of these “inherited beliefs,”
while sharing his views on them. They include the following:
Gender is obvious.
Nope! The only way to be sure you know how a person identifies is to ask them.
Gender is the same as sex.
No Way! Maybe it matches for you, but not everyone feels that way. The short answer is that sex
lives between your legs, while gender lives in between your ears.
Gender is static.
Nope! Gender can change over the course of your life.