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P. 118
There are only two genders.
This misconception is so common, it has its own name - gender binary. Actually, there are at
least as many genders as there are cultures, and lots of more helpful ways to think of them than
merely masculine and feminine.
The bottom of the page includes the following thought summary.
So if we throw out those assumptions that don’t work, what’s left? It seems clear to me that
gender isn’t biology, it isn’t your sexuality, it isn’t always obvious, it isn’t how you were raised
or what surgeries you can afford, it isn’t static, and it isn’t how others see you. Gender is simply
how you see yourself.
These words describe well the philosophy of Satan regarding the sexes. You cannot tell what
gender a person is by looking at them. You cannot even tell what a person’s gender is if you
know their sex, and which reproductive organs they have. A person’s gender is not established at
birth. It can change throughout their life. Satan would have us to believe that gender is as
transitive as the wayward thoughts of man.
People of God, this is foolishness. It is disorder. It is chaos. Such statements stand in stark
opposition to the declaration of the Creator.
Genesis 1:27
And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female
He created them.
There are NOT unlimited genders. There are only two genders. They are male and female;
masculine and feminine; man and woman. In this same book the author shares the following.
Transgender Umbrella