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As tragic as it is to see society falling into such debauchery, and to realize that children are going
               to be subjected to increased sexual confusion and trauma, it is also disheartening to observe so
               many Christians who are being swept along on this tide of deceit. Many have bought into the lie
               that Christians are to not judge, but are to love without criticism, and to embrace even the most
               deviant behaviors as acceptable. For those who are confused about the subject of judging, I
               recommend the writing titled The Issue of Judging.

               One of the foundational errors committed by the author of The Gender Book, is that gender is
               determined by you. He states that gender is “how you see yourself.” This is a humanistic
               viewpoint, where the judgment and thoughts of man supercede all others. A correct view of
               gender is that it is who God declares you to be. Yahweh does not place male souls in female
               bodies, or vice versa. Yahweh is not the author of confusion. If you were born with a female
               body, your gender is female. If you were born with a male body, your gender is male.

               Romans 3:4
               Let God be found true, though every man be found a liar...

               Yahweh declared, “Let us create man in our image, after our likeness.” Yahweh does not change.
               He is not male one day, and female the next. When Yahweh took on human form to demonstrate
               to the world His image and likeness, He appeared in the form of a man. Yahshua is called the
               SON of God. He was born in a male body, and He lived His life as a man. There was never any
               deviation from this identity.

               Hebrews 13:8-9
               Yahshua Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever.

               The world has fallen under the influence of the great deceiver. When men say they are women,
               and  women say they are men, they are deceived, rebellious, or both. It is a deceit of the enemy
               that leads humanity to believe that they can choose their own gender. There is pride evidenced in
               such words and actions, for men and women are attempting to re-create themselves according to
               their own thoughts and desires. They are rejecting the identity assigned to them by their Creator,
               and assigning themselves a new identity.

               When Yahweh created each individual He had a specific plan for them. Our lives know peace
               when we are in harmony with Yahweh’s design for our life. We are most healthy and fruitful
               when we conform to His design for our lives. To deviate from that design is to resign oneself to
               confusion. The last thing we read about the men of Sodom before Yahweh destroyed the city
               with fire, is that they were struck with blindness and confusion.

               Genesis 19:9-11
               But [the men of Sodom] said, “Stand back!” And they said, “This fellow came in to live here
               temporarily, and now he presumes to be our judge! Now we will deal worse with you than with
               them. So they rushed at and pressed violently against Lot and came close to breaking down the
               door.” But the men [the angels] reached out and pulled Lot into the house to them and shut the
               door after him. And they struck the men who were at the door of the house with blindness [which
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