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Camille Paglia, who is a practicing lesbian, nevertheless rejects the deception and outright lies
               that the media, medical, and scientific communities have used to advance the spread of
               homosexuality. Coming from a self-professed lesbian pagan, her scathing exposure of the lies of
               homosexual advocates is an anomaly. In her book Vamps and Tramps, Paglia shares the
               following statements. (My comments will be in parentheses.)

               For the past decade, the situation has been out of control: responsible scholarship is impossible
               when rational discourse is being policed by storm troopers, in this case gay activists, who have
               the absolutism of all fanatics in claiming sole access to the truth...

               In the Eighties and early Nineties, displaced anxiety over the horror of AIDS turned gay activists
               into rampaging nihilists and monomaniacs, who dishonestly blamed the disease on the
               government... AIDS did not appear out of nowhere. It was a direct result of the sexual revolution,
               which my generation unleashed with the best of intentions, but whose worst effects were to be
               suffered primarily by gay men. In the West, despite much propaganda to the contrary. AIDS is a
               gay disease and will remain one for the foreseeable future...

               Homosexuality is not 'normal.' On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm; therein rests its
               eternally revolutionary character Queer theorists - that wizened crew of flimflamming
               free-loaders - have tried to take the post structuralist tack of claiming that there is no norm,
               since everything is relative and contingent. This is the kind of silly bind that word-obsessed
               people get into when they are deaf, dumb, and blind to the outside world. Nature exists, whether
               academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single, relentless rule. That is the
               norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction... no fancy linguistic game-playing can
               change that biologic fact...

               ACT-UP won substantial practical victories in its mobilizations against the political and medical
               establishment, but its most crazed extremists also did enormous damage to the public image of
               gay men that will take a generation to undo. Flashed across the nation's television screens were
               contorted male faces, raging, ranting, bawling like infants - 'Me, me, me!'

               Total attention and an instant cure were demanded, even though science had failed to find a cure
               for any virus, even the common cold...

               ACT-UP's hysteria made me reconsider those vilified therapists and ministers who think change
               of homosexual orientation is possible and whose meetings are constantly disrupted by gay
               agitators. Is gay identity so fragile that it cannot bear the thought that some people may not wish
               to be gay. Sexuality is highly fluid, and reversals are theoretically possible. However, habit is
               refractory... a phenomenon obvious in the struggle with obesity, smoking, alcoholism, or drug
               addiction... Helping gays learn how to function heterosexually, if they so wish, is a perfectly
               worthy aim...

               Heterosexual love is in sync with cosmic forces. Not everyone has the stomach for daily war with
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