Page 69 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 69

Chapter 10 - Faith Seals the Victory

                       he  history  of  Israel’s  journey  from  Egypt  to  Canaan  is  well  known  to  most
                   TChristians, as it comprises a major portion of the books of Moses, the first five
                   books of the Bible. Yahweh promised the Israelites that He would lead them forth
                   to a land flowing with milk and honey which He would give to them and to their
                   children  as  a  possession.  He  told  them  they  would  need  to  drive  out  the
                   inhabitants of the land of Canaan, but He would be with them and He would fight
                   for them.
                         Those  familiar  with  the  history  of  Israel  know  that  the  generation  which
                   came out of Egypt failed to enter into their possession. All those above the age of
                   twenty who came out of Egypt died in the wilderness, except for Caleb and Joshua.
                   This  generation  spent  forty  years  wandering  around  in  wilderness  places,  until
                   their generation had passed away. The reason for their inability to enter the land
                   of Canaan and establish the kingdom of God was unbelief.
                         It  is  ever  God’s  design  that  those  who  are  called  out  of  the  world  as  His
                   children  should  proceed  quickly  to  begin  a  conquest  of  the  land  of  their  flesh.
                   Many Christians, however, mirror the historical account of Israel. Even after it has
                   been  many  years  since  God  first  called  them,  they  have  made  no  progress  in
                   subduing the land of their flesh. A great number of Christians spend their entire
                   lives wandering in a barren wilderness where there is no fruit from their lives that
                   comes forth for the glory of God. They are still ruled by the sin in their flesh, and
                   the kingdom of God has not been established in them in righteousness and peace.
                         The reasons for Christians failing to take possession of the land of their flesh
                   are the same today as they were for the Israelites 3,500 years ago. Chapter eight
                   focused upon the need to lay aside the diet of the world and begin feeding on the
                   Bread of Heaven. It is only as we do this that our faith is built up and our spiritual
                   strength is increased. We know the Israelites despised the food God sent them and
                   demanded flesh to eat. Therefore they were unprepared when it was time to go
                   forth  in  battle  and  take  possession  of  the  land.  In  the  same  way,  if  we  are  not
                   feeding on the Word  of God we will  be ill  equipped for  the spiritual warfare to
                   which we have been called.
                         It was only a relatively short time that God would have kept the Israelites in
                   the  wilderness.  Yahweh  would  have  led  the  Israelites  very  quickly  from  the
                   receiving  of  the  Law  into  the  conquest  of  the  land  of  Canaan,  but  their
                   disobedience  kept  delaying  things.  God  would  also  lead  us  very  quickly  from
                   receiving His Spirit to a conquest of the sin that dwells in our flesh. Yet, like Israel,
                   we can delay our victory over all the enemies that reside in our flesh. By despising
                   the Bread of Heaven, through idolatry (loving the world and the things in it), and
                   by rebellion against God’s authority, we can delay that which God would have us
                   to perform quickly.
                         When  the  Israelites  finally  arrived  at  the  border  of  the  land  of  promise,
                   Moses sent forth twelve men to spy out the land and bring back a report. These
                   twelve  men  spent  forty  days  walking  across  the  length  and  breadth  of  Canaan.
                   They saw an exceptionally good land. It was fertile and well watered. There were
                   vineyards and farms and orchards already planted. It was something to be greatly
                   desired, and it held forth the promise of a magnificent dream come true for those
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