Page 53 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 53

they are someone who can help him to achieve his desires of financial wealth. If
                   they are not, he may avoid them. If they are deemed valuable to his goals, he may
                   seek  them  out,  often  without  even  recognizing  that  his  motive  is  selfish.  When
                   faced with a business decision, his actions will be dictated by his desire for profit.
                   He will do whatever helps him to achieve the desire of his soul.
                         We could use many different examples. We could speak about men who are
                   consumed with thoughts of sexual desire. What they look at, what they read, who
                   they  associate  with,  the  tenor  of  their  conversations,  are  all  influenced  by  that
                   which is driving them. They will feed their soul what it wants, and consequently
                   their soul will be shaped by what it feeds upon. It is very difficult for a Christian
                   man  who  feeds  upon  such  food  to  view  an  attractive  woman  in  an  unselfish
                   manner. He will not look at an attractive Christian woman as a sister in Christ who
                   is to be protected and supported, but as an object of sexual desire. The same thing
                   occurs when he sees an attractive non-Christian woman. Rather than having an
                   evangelistic  mindset  that  seeks  her  eternal  welfare,  he  will  see  her  through  the
                   carnal desires of his soul.
                         We see then that we are shaped by what we choose to feed upon. As this is
                   true concerning man’s body and soul, it is also true regarding the spirit of a man
                   or woman. We can learn much about the food that nourishes and strengthens the
                   spirit  of  a  man  by  looking  once  more  at  the  parable  of  the  Israelites  in  the
                         While  the  Israelites  were  in  Egypt  they  ate  what  the  Egyptians  ate.  I  will
                   mention once again that Egypt stands as a symbol of the world. While they were
                   enslaved to Egypt, the Israelites ate a worldly diet. Their only source of food was
                   Egypt, and because they were slaves, the diet of Egypt was just fine with them.
                         I trust you can see the Scriptural parallels in this. While we were slaves to sin
                   in the world, we fed upon a diet that was worldly. Because those in the world are
                   enslaved  to  lusts  of  all  types,  their  diet  is  that  which  satisfies  their  lusts.  That
                   which is broadcast on television, at the movies, and provided through magazines,
                   radio and the Internet is what satisfies the soul  of sinful  men and women. The
                   more they feed upon this food, the more they are shaped by it, and their desires
                   grow even greater.
                         A thing observed about our appetites, both physical and soulish, is that they
                   are not satisfied long with the same food. They want something more sensual, and
                   more stimulating.
                         When I was a child growing up we did not eat very spicy food. When I was
                   twenty I moved across country and lived with an aunt and uncle for a period of
                   time. One of their favorite meals was tacos, and they had them regularly. The first
                   time I ate tacos with them I was urged to try some hot sauce on my taco. I put one
                   or two drops of Tabasco Sauce on my taco and my mouth felt like it was on fire. I
                   liked the taste and sensation, however, and I kept putting Tabasco Sauce on my
                   tacos. I found that very quickly my body adjusted to this and soon I was splashing
                   lots of hot sauce on my tacos.
                         This same phenomena is seen in many types of food, and it is true regarding
                   that which we feed our soul as well. Most men who start out being enticed by an
                   appetite for sexual stimulation are at first satisfied to look at pictures of women
                   wearing sensual clothing. As time goes by they want to see more skin and begin to
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