Page 23 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 23

Yahweh  spoke  to  Moses  and  told  him  to  inform  the  people  to  prepare to
                   leave  in  haste.  What  was  about  to  take  place  would  foreshadow  a  day  when
                   Yahweh would suddenly free mankind from slavery to sin. He instructed all Israel
                   to take a lamb into their households on the tenth day of the first month. It had to
                   be a male lamb, one year old, and it had to be without spot or blemish. After the
                   lamb lived with them in their home for several days, they were to slay the lamb on
                   the fourteenth day of the month, and they were to place the blood of the lamb on
                   the doorposts and lintel at the entryway of their home.
                         Yahweh said that on that night He would send forth the death angel, and the
                   firstborn male of every family in Egypt, and the firstborn male of all cattle, would
                   die. Only if the death angel saw the blood of the lamb on the doorposts and lintel
                   of the home, he would pass over that home and none would die.
                         Although the Israelites did not understand it at the  time, what they were
                   signifying by the blood of the lamb applied to their doorways, is that this lamb
                   was serving as a substitutionary sacrifice for them. This lamb was giving up its
                   life  that  they  might  live.  Prophetically  this  looked  forward  to  the  day  when
                   Yahweh would send His Son as a Passover lamb to shed His blood and surrender
                   His life that mankind might live.
                         Sin must always be atoned for by blood. As the apostle Paul declared in the
                   book of Hebrews:

                          Hebrews 9:22
                          And  with  blood  almost  all  things  are  purified  according to  the  law,  and
                          apart from blood-shedding forgiveness doth not come.
                          [Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible]

                         Apart from blood-shedding forgiveness does not come! What is significant
                   about the shedding of blood? The Scriptures declare the following:

                          Genesis 9:4
                          “You shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.”

                          Leviticus 17:11
                          “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the
                          altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the
                          life that makes atonement.”

                         The life of a creature is in the blood. As we study the Hebrew word used in
                   these  verses  that  is  translated  into  English  as  life,  we  find  that  it  is  the  word
                   nephesh.  This  word  is  also  translated  as  the  English  word  soul.  What  God  is
                   revealing to mankind is that the blood of an animal contains its soul, and the soul
                   of the animal is given to make atonement for the soul of man. “For it is the blood
                   by reason of the (nephesh - soul) that makes atonement.”
                         It is important that all mankind understand that sin is never simply forgiven
                   and  forgotten.  It  must  always  be  atoned  for.  “Apart  from  blood-shedding
                   forgiveness does not come.” This makes the consequences of our sin very serious.
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