Page 25 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 25

the penalty of death that was the consequence of sin. Never again would another
                   animal need to shed its blood to atone for sin.

                          I Corinthians 5:7
                          For Christ our Passover... has been sacrificed.

                         It is necessary for all men and women who wish to overcome their addictive
                   behavior to understand these things. BEFORE victory over sin can be attained, the
                   penalty of sin must be atoned for. You must be brought back to union with God in
                   order to walk victoriously over sin, and union with God is only obtained as the
                   penalty of death is paid. Yahshua has willingly given His life as a ransom for yours.
                   He received death that you might receive the life of God.

                          Matthew 20:28
                          “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life
                          a ransom for many.”

                         It is imperative that you understand that sin can only be overcome through
                   the  life  of  God.  When  man  sinned in  the  Garden of  Eden he  became separated
                   from the life of God. Christ came to restore the breach. He came that we might
                   have life once more.

                          John 14:6
                          Yahshua  said  to  him,  “I  am  the  way,  and  the  truth,  and  the  life;  no  one
                          comes to the Father but through Me.”

                         There  is  only  one  way  to  attain  spiritual  life  and  be  able  to  rule  over  the
                   passions and desires of the flesh. Yahshua is the way. He has shed His blood as a
                   ransom for mankind, but we must apply the blood to the doorposts of our heart.
                   We must by faith claim the blood of Yahshua as the atoning sacrifice to pay the
                   penalty for our sin.

                          Romans 10:8-11
                          "The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart"-- that is, the word
                          of  faith  which  we  are  preaching,  that  if  you  confess  with  your  mouth
                          Yahshua as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the
                          dead,  you  shall  be  saved;  for  with  the  heart  man  believes,  resulting  in
                          righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. For
                          the Scripture says, "Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed."

                         You must have the penalty of sin atoned for. The sin that is present in your
                   flesh,  the  power  of  sin  that  holds  you  captive  and  will  not  let  you  go,  must  be
                   broken and its dominion over you destroyed. This breaking of sin’s dominion is
                   accomplished by the blood of the Passover Lamb being placed upon your life.
                         When Christ was crucified at the order of the Jewish High Priest, the Jewish
                   leaders    did  not  understand  that  they  were  acting  out  the  foreordained plan  of
                   God. What they did in ignorance, and with evil intent, God in His love and mercy
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