Page 19 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 19

is to run away from that which exposes our failings. Fear becomes a part of our
                   life, and we lack the confidence to enter into the presence of God.
                         Sin and the concept of separation from God are inextricably woven together.
                   Sin  always  brings  a  break  in  the  fellowship  that  Yahweh  desires  to  have  with
                   mankind. This separation produces other harmful consequences.
                         If we return to the record of man’s first sin, and we begin to see that which
                   is revealed in the parables contained therein, we can discern more about sin and
                   its relationship to separation from God. The words of the serpent as he enticed
                   the woman are filled with insights of profound importance.

                          Genesis 3:4-5
                          The serpent said to the woman... "God knows that in the day you eat from
                          it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and

                         There is truth mixed in with the words of the deceiver. The most deceptive
                   lies always contain an element of truth. The serpent was speaking truth when he
                   said that eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would
                   grant Eve the ability to be “like God” in a way she had not formerly known. This
                   area was in the ability to know good and evil for herself, apart from hearing from
                         Of all the creatures that Yahweh created, including the angels and mankind,
                   He did not grant to any the authority to know good and evil, right and wrong,
                   apart from Him. In order to know what was good and evil, all creatures had to
                   hear from God. Only God had the authority to determine what was good and evil.
                   For the creation to continue in harmony, and endless life, it needed only to abide
                   in God, receiving the knowledge of God’s will, and walking in obedience to it.
                         Life for the first man and woman was very simple. They had been created
                   for  God’s  pleasure,  and  their  highest  fulfillment  and  happiness  would  be  in
                   accomplishing  that  for  which  they  were  created.  God  spoke  to  the  man  and
                   woman and told them what was good, and what was evil. He told them that it was
                   good for them to be fruitful and multiply. It was good for them to tend the garden
                   that He had placed them in. It was good for them to rule over the beasts. It was
                   evil for them to eat of the fruit that was forbidden.
                         Although  mankind  had  not  received  the  Spirit  of  Christ  to  indwell  their
                   being at that time, they were walking in the initial stages of what God desired for
                   them. He has always desired that mankind should receive the knowledge of good
                   and  evil,  the  direction  for  their  actions,  and  even  the  very  words  they  are  to
                   speak, from Him. Receiving the knowledge of good and evil from God keeps man
                   ever  dependent  upon  God,  and  ever  abiding  in  Him.  We  dare  not  lose  our
                   connection  to  Him  if  we  are  to  do  that  which  is  pleasing  to  Him  in  all
                         Satan offered to the woman the ability to know good and evil apart from
                   communication with God. He told her that if she ate of the fruit of the Tree of the
                   Knowledge of Good and Evil, she would become like God and be able to know
                   good and evil herself. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of this tree, they gained
                   the ability to look inside of themselves and determine good and evil, right and
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