Page 26 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 26

had determined should be done to break the power of sin over mankind, and call a
                   people back into fellowship with Himself. When Pilate, the  Roman government
                   official over the territory of Jerusalem, said he found no fault in Christ, he was
                   acting as the Old Testament inspectors who were to examine the Passover lambs
                   and insure they were without defect, spot, or blemish. Pilate examined Christ, and
                   said, “I find no fault in this man.” When Pilate hesitated to put an innocent man to
                   death,  the  jealous  Jewish  religious  leaders  induced  the  people  to  demand  that
                   Christ be slain. We read.

                          Matthew 27:25
                          And all the people said, "His blood shall be on us and on our children!"

                         Indeed, the blood of Christ was shed for all mankind. We must individually
                   make public confession that we receive Christ’s life as a ransom for our own. If you
                   have not done this, I urge you to do so now. Then as a public testimony of your
                   faith  in  that  which  Christ  did  on  your  behalf,  the  Scriptures  instruct  you  to  be
                         Baptism serves as a parable of what God has done for you through His Son. A
                   person is baptized by being submerged in water and then raised back up. Waters
                   are  symbolic  of  death.  What  is  pictured  in  baptism  is  the  believer  being  joined
                   with Christ in His death. In effect one is testifying, “When Christ died, I died, for
                   Christ died in my place.” When one comes back out of the water it is symbolic of
                   being joined with Christ in resurrection. Christ did not remain in the grave. On the
                   third day after His crucifixion He rose again. Baptism is a symbol of the believer
                   rising with Christ to a new life where sin no longer reigns over them.

                          Romans 6:3-6
                          Or  do  you  not  know  that  all  of  us  who  have  been  baptized  into  Christ
                          Yahshua have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have been buried
                          with Him through baptism into  death, in order that as Christ was  raised
                          from  the  dead  through  the  glory  of  the  Father,  so  we  too  might  walk  in
                          newness of life. For if we have become united with Him in the likeness of
                          His  death,  certainly  we  shall  be  also  in  the  likeness  of  His  resurrection,
                          knowing this, that our old self was crucified with Him, that our body of sin
                          might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin...

                         Overcoming addiction is wrapped up in this issue of no longer being slaves to
                   sin. There is only one way to be freed from sin, and therefore freed from addiction.
                   This is by faith in the atoning work of Christ. Do you believe that He died to pay
                   the penalty of your sin? Do you believe that He died that you might live? Then
                   confess it, and be baptized in obedience to the command of Christ. Begin to testify
                   by your words and your actions, by confession and baptism, that God has made a
                   way for you to come out from the captivity of sin into the freedom of life in Christ.
                         The  following  Scriptures  testify  of  the  awesome  work  of  Christ  as  the
                   deliverer of man from the captivity of sin and the penalty of death.
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