Page 18 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 18

There  have  been  a  few  occasions  when  men  at  the  rescue  mission  have
                   suggested  that  I  was  not  qualified  to  address  their  problems  with  alcohol  and
                   drugs, since these things have never been an issue in my life. I have never been
                   drunk,  nor  have  I  ever  taken  illegal  drugs.  I  have,  however,  struggled  with
                   addictive  desires in  many  areas.  Sexual  lust,  covetousness, and an  appetite  for
                   foods  that  are  unhealthy  have  all  been  areas  in  which  I  have  found  myself
                   tempted  and  failing  time  and  again.  Yet  God  has  shown  me  that  victory  is
                   possible in every area, and I am now walking as an overcomer in these things.
                         Sexual  lust  was  perhaps  one  of  the  strongest  and  most  shameful  of  the
                   addictive  desires  that  plagued  me.  From  the  time  of  my  first  exposure  to
                   pornography, I found the desire would not go away, and instead grew to become
                   an obsessive thing. When I was sixteen years old I took my first job, working at a
                   small, family owned grocery store. At the store there was a magazine rack where
                   several different pornographic magazines were sold.
                         At the age of sixteen I could not purchase pornography, nor would I have
                   openly done so. I had been raised in the church, and I knew that this constituted
                   a great sin. I therefore began taking magazines off of the rack and sneaking them
                   out behind the store to view them. Later I began stashing the magazines out back,
                   and I would return after work and retrieve them and take them home where I
                   would hide them in my room.
                         Such  behavior  is  identical  to  that  of  many  men  and  women  who  become
                   addicted to illegal drugs. They are ashamed of their habit when in the presence of
                   family, or others who do not participate in such things. They will also resort to
                   stealing  to  provide  that  which  their  flesh  desires.  Their  life  becomes  one  of
                   subterfuge and deception, and worries of being found out, and brought to open
                   shame often trouble their minds, even as it did my own.
                         Viewing pornography was a love/hate experience for me. My flesh craved it,
                   yet the immediate aftereffect was a feeling of guilt and shame, and a knowledge
                   that my sin had brought a separation between myself and God. This separation
                   from God is what troubled me the most. I felt like I could not pray to God after
                   having  viewed  pornography,  and  usually  I  waited  until  the  next  morning  to
                   confess my sin and ask God to forgive me.
                         This experience of separation from God is normal for those who engage in
                   sin. The first occasion of sin, that of Adam and Eve in the  Garden, reveals the
                   effect it has upon mankind. Immediately after Adam and Eve sinned we read the

                          Genesis 3:8-10
                          They heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of
                          the  day, and  the  man  and  his  wife  hid  themselves from  the  presence of
                          Yahweh God among the trees of the garden. Then Yahweh God called to
                          the man, and said to him, "Where are you?" He said, "I heard the sound of
                          You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself."

                         Our sin causes us to feel exposed and naked before God. We know that He
                   sees all things, and He is aware of what we have been doing. Our natural reaction
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