Page 28 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 28

Chapter 4 - Faith to Believe

                       he foundation stones we have laid so far can be summed up in the following

                          ·              All mankind is born under the slavery of sin.
                          ·              Sin has caused a separation between God and man, and has
                          brought death.
                          ·              The  Son  of  God  came  to  repair  the  breach  and  bear  upon
                          Himself the penalty for sin that man might live.

                         Yahweh has done all that was necessary to restore man to life and fellowship
                   with Himself. Sacrificing His own Son that man might live was an act of the most
                   profound love. Yahweh could have demanded that man bear the consequences of
                   his sin, but He is a God of mercy and tremendous compassion, as the Scriptures

                          Psalms 145:9-10
                          Yahweh  is  good  to  all,  and  His  mercies  are  over  all  His  works.  All  Your
                          works shall give thanks to You, O Yahweh, and Your godly ones shall bless

                         Although Yahweh has done all that is necessary to provide atonement for the
                   sin  of  man,  and  He  has  made  a  way  for  men  and  women  to  come  back  into
                   fellowship with Himself, there is something required on our part. We must believe
                   that these things that have been testified thus far in this book are true. Not all men
                   and women acknowledge that they are slaves to sin. Not all recognize that death,
                   both physical and spiritual, is the portion of mankind due to our sin. And not all
                   men believe and confess that Yahshua is the only way to obtain forgiveness of sin
                   and be restored to fellowship with God.
                         Our  part  is  to  both  believe  these  things  and  confess  them.  Man  has  ever
                   sought another way to cover over their sin. Men have often sought to cover their
                   sin with some work of their own. They have sought to improve themselves, and
                   thereby make themselves acceptable unto God. This was first symbolized in the
                   Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve took fig leaves and sewed them together to
                   cover their nakedness (Genesis 3:7). Yahweh judged their covering to be deficient
                   and unacceptable. He then provided an acceptable covering for them.

                          Genesis 3:21
                          Yahweh  God  made garments  of  skin  for  Adam and  his  wife,  and  clothed

                         In order to make garments of skin, an animal had to be slain and blood had
                   to be shed. The covering of nakedness is a spiritual parable of man’s shameful sin
                   being  exposed  before  the  eyes  of  God,  and  needing  a  covering.  When  Yahweh
                   rejected  the  fig  leaf  covering  of  the  man  and  woman,  and  provided  His  own
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