Page 103 - Overcoming Addiction
P. 103

lives.  If  we  try  to  conceal  our  sin,  or  we  make  an  excuse  for  it,  or  we  call  it
                   something other than the sin which it is, then God cannot work with us. We will
                   not be able to perform all Yahweh’s desire apart from agreement with Him.
                         This is why the first item of the Christian soldier’s outfit to be named is the
                   belt of truth. This is our starting point in our warfare. We must agree with God
                   concerning those things to which we are enslaved.

                   The Breastplate of Righteousness

                         The  Greek  word  that  the  apostle  uses  here,  which  has  been  rendered  as
                   righteousness,  is  dikaiosune  (dik-ah-yos-oo'-nay).  Strong’s  Concordance  defines
                   this word as “equity (of character or act); specially (Christian) justification.”
                         According  to  the  1933  edition  of  Webster’s  Dictionary  that  I  have  on  my
                   desk,  the  word  equity  is  defined as:  “the  administration  of  law  according to  its
                   spirit, and not according to the letter.”
                         This symbol of a breastplate of righteousness that covers the heart of a man
                   is filled with insight. Where did God say that He would write His law in the days
                   when He established a new covenant with mankind?

                          Jeremiah 31:33
                          "But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after
                          those days," declares Yahweh, "I will put My law within them and on their
                          heart I will write it...”

                         This same concept is expressed by the apostle Paul in his letter to the church
                   at Corinth.

                          Romans 7:22
                          For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man...

                         Another way to phrase this is, “I joyfully concur with the rule of God in the
                   inner man.” Indeed, this is the definition of the Kingdom of God being established
                   within our being. When God is ruling over all of our parts, then the Kingdom of
                   God will be established in us. The breastplate of righteousness signifies this rule of
                   God over the heart of man.
                         The administration, or the carrying out of the law of God within us, must be
                   according to the spirit of God’s law, and not the letter. This is the definition of
                   righteousness, it is equity of act and character. It is important that we understand
                   the  breastplate  of  righteousness  in  this  manner.  The  Pharisees  claimed  to  be
                   keeping the law of God, but they were deceived. They focused on the letter of the
                   law, and by their deceptive interpretations they ended up nullifying the intentions
                   of God. The spirit of the Law was violated.
                         Deception regarding what it means to have fulfilled the righteousness of God
                   is a great danger for the saint in this hour as well. Many hold to the letter of the
                   Law,  but  they  have  fallen  far  short  of  the  spirit  of  it.  They  have  not  arrived  at
                   Yahweh’s  desire  for  them.  The  sermon  on  the  mount  provides  numerous
                   illustrations of such shortfalls. Yahshua said:
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