Page 263 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 263

This Is NOT Real - (Man on the Moon)

               Hopefully, now that we are nearing the end of this book, you are as convinced as I am of the Apollo
               Space Program being a huge deception. Perhaps you find it disturbing when you consider the
               ramifications of what this reveals about the world we live in. David McGowan expressed it well in
               his book Wagging the Moondoggie. “If NASA was able to pull off such an outrageous hoax before
               the entire world, and then keep that lie in place for four decades, what does that say about the
               control of the information we receive? What does that say about the media, and the scientific
               community, and the educational community, and all the other institutions we depend on to tell us the
               truth? What does that say about the very nature of the world we live in?”

               One thing it says is that lies and deception are more common than most people realize. We are being
               lied to by virtually every institution we rely upon to inform our view of the world. If you are a child
               in school you are being fed lies about world history, scientific endeavors, and a great many other
               things. When you turn on the television to watch the news you are observing talking heads delivering
               canned news stories which are laced with falsehood and deception. When you read a magazine, a
               newspaper, or listen to the radio, you are being presented with an illusory image of the world you
               live in. When you visit a museum of science you are being plied with distortions of the truth. When
               you look for facts in an encyclopedia you are very likely to encounter falsehood.

               Mankind is routinely lied to by their governments. Military actions are engaged in on behalf of
               corporate interests, not national defense. Your sons and daughters in the armed forces are essentially
               hit men for organized crime. They slaughter and maim and destroy nations on false pretense and take
               pride in doing so for they have been deluded to believe they are protecting national interests,
               defending democracy, and freeing foreign citizens from their oppressors.

               Millions of citizens participate in sectarian politics. In America they rally behind Republican or
               Democrat or Independent. They believe that politicians are what they profess to be. They believe
               their vote will make a difference. They think the man sitting in the White House is the one calling
               the shots. Yet it is all puppet theater for the somnambulant masses. The government was sold long
               ago to the bankers and corporations.

               A brother in Christ recently wrote to me expressing the thought that it was unprofitable for me to
               compose a writing on the subject of the Apollo deception. He suggested that the disciples of Christ
               should have their focus on the Kingdom of God, rather than on the affairs of this world. He could
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