Page 260 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 260

Note how this Hebrew word is contrasted to the word “fools.” We previously read of Satan, that He
               was “full of wisdom.” This wisdom of Satan was twisted and distorted in his fall. It became tainted
               by selfishness and vain ambition and is accurately described by the words “cunning” and “crafty.”
               We see the employment of this extraordinary capacity of Satan throughout the Bible as deception
               is his primary instrument to subjugate, enslave, and destroy the lives of men. This is important to
               understand. Satan did not try to wrest dominion over the earth away from man through force or
               intimidation. He chose to do it through subtlety and deception. Why? Because this is where he
               considers himself to excel all other creatures.

               Let us consider another contrast between Christ and anti-Christ. The Son of God declared, “You
               shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). Since truth is freeing, then
               falsehood, lies, and deception must be enslaving. Christ employs truth in order to set men free. By
               contrast we can perceive that Satan uses lies and deception to enslave humanity. Understanding this,
               we are then prepared to answer the question of why NASA, the American government, and the
               global elite who own the corporations and control the media, are practicing lying and deception on
               such a grand scale. It is all about control. Lies and deception are a means to enslave the masses.

               We discussed this previously when we looked at the subject of the use of propaganda. Edward
               Bernays plainly disclosed that propaganda (i.e., deception and false reporting) was necessary to
               regiment the masses. Deception is used to manipulate mankind into supporting the works and plans
               of a powerful elite who are themselves servants of Satan. The deceptions of the Cold War, the Space
               Race, and the goal of putting a man on the Moon before the decade of the 1960s was out, were all
               used to enslave the masses.

               You may ask, “In what way were the people enslaved?” Who do you think paid for the tens of
               billions of dollars poured into the Space Race, or the hundreds of billions of dollars, rubles, and
               whatever  other  national  currencies  were  involved,  which  were  poured  into  the  coffers  of  the
               military/industrial complex’s corporations to support the Cold War? Through means contrived
               conflicts, governments were induced to borrow massive amounts of money from international
               bankers, money which the citizens of those nations became obligated to pay back. By such means
               the entire world has been covertly brought into bondage to a small number of global elite who are
               servants of Satan.

               If the truth sets men free, a deceived populace must of necessity be an enslaved people. How many
               lies and illusions is mankind laboring under today? The list of deceptions is endless. In this book I
               have chosen just one deception from among the myriads that are prevalent in this world. The
               accumulated influence of these massed deceptions is staggering. Lies are never harmless. They result
               in mental, physical, and spiritual bondage.
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