Page 264 - Lunacy and the Age of Deception
P. 264

conceive of no benefit to be derived from placing attention on this subject. One might ask, “How is
               a Christian’s life in this world, or their spiritual walk, impacted by what they believe about the
               American government’s claims to have sent men to the Moon more than 40 years ago?”

               This is a fair question. My concern from the beginning of this writing has been that Christians who
               believe the government and media claims of men going to the Moon between the years 1969 and
               1972 are failing to recognize the extent to which mankind is being plied with lies, some of them
               quite grandiose and audacious. If Christians do not recognize the false nature of this present world
               under Satan’s dominion; If they do not perceive the necessity of testing everything they read, hear,
               and see, they will be ripe for future deceptions. These deceptions will result in bondage, hurt, or great
               spiritual loss for many.

               Part of being a citizen of the kingdom of God is having one’s eyes opened to see the world as it truly
               is. Although we are citizens of a heavenly kingdom, we are walking in a world under the rule of
               Satan. There is a point of intersection between these kingdoms, and we experience life at this point.
               We should  seek wisdom,  desiring to  perceive this  world as God does. There are no  innocent
               deceptions or harmless lies. There is no profit to be found by embracing illusions. The Scriptures
               adjure us to walk wisely in this world, and to not be deceived.

               Ephesians 5:15-16
               Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, making the most of your time,
               because the days are evil.

               We  have  an  adversary  in  this  life,  and  his  chief  weapon  is  deception.  If  we  would  walk  as
               overcomers we must be alert to, and aware of, his schemes and devices.

               II Corinthians 2:11
               To keep Satan from getting the advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his wiles and intentions.
               [Amplified Bible]

               This book has not merely been about exposing the lie of the Apollo Space Program. Its aim  has been
               to expose the deceptive nature of the entire world in which we live. The Apollo Space Program has
               been a fitting subject, for it is something of which all people are aware. It is also a topic in which a
               great many people have been duped. If you care to ponder it, the initials of the Apollo Space Program
               also point back to the serpent of old who continues to speak lies to men and women.
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